
时间:2016-10-26 11:47:27

标签: python image image-processing filtering gaussian


我有一个2D D.O.G的实现。在python中过滤。我想在不同的空间频带上制作噪声掩模,例如1-5 cpd。为此,我首先创建一个白噪声阵列然后我将添加DOG滤波器以带通滤波不同空间范围内的噪声。


BONUS Q':是否可以对这些高斯中的每一个进行傅里叶变换,然后将其视为各个带宽的频谱,然后是DOG带宽?单位是什么?在傅立叶空间?我怎么能把它转换成空间频率范围?抱歉很多问题)


注意:我使用conv2函数而不是内置的python 2d卷积来提高速度(其他应用程序)。

import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve

def Gaussian2D(GCenter, Gamp, Ggamma,Gconst): #new_theta > 0.4:
    Produces a 2D Gaussian pulse    *EDITED BY WMBM

    GCenter : int
            Centre point of Gaussian pulse
    Gamp : int
            Amplitude of Gaussian pulse
    Ggamma : int
            FWHM of Gaussian pulse
    Gconst : float
            Unkown parameter of density function

    GKernel : array_like
            Gaussian kernel
    new_theta = math.sqrt(Gconst**-1)*Ggamma
    SizeHalf = np.int(math.floor(9*new_theta))
    [y, x] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-SizeHalf,SizeHalf+1), np.arange(-SizeHalf,SizeHalf+1))
    GKernel = Gamp*np.exp(-0.5*Ggamma**-2*Gconst*part1)
    return GKernel

def conv2(x,y,mode='same'):
    Emulate the Matlab function conv2 from Mathworks.

    z = conv2(x,y,mode='same')


    if not(mode == 'same'):
        raise Exception("Mode not supported")

    # Add singleton dimensions
    if (len(x.shape) < len(y.shape)):
        dim = x.shape
        for i in range(len(x.shape),len(y.shape)):
            dim = (1,) + dim
        x = x.reshape(dim)
    elif (len(y.shape) < len(x.shape)):
        dim = y.shape
        for i in range(len(y.shape),len(x.shape)):
            dim = (1,) + dim
        y = y.reshape(dim)

    origin = ()

    # Apparently, the origin must be set in a special way to reproduce
    # the results of scipy.signal.convolve and Matlab
    for i in range(len(x.shape)):
        if ( (x.shape[i] - y.shape[i]) % 2 == 0 and
             x.shape[i] > 1 and
             y.shape[i] > 1):
            origin = origin + (-1,)
            origin = origin + (0,)

    z = convolve(x,y, mode='constant', origin=origin)

    return z

# Create white noise array
N=50 # Noise array dimension
A=10 # Noise amplitude
noise = np.random.rand(N,N)*A

# Gaussian Noise paramerers

# First gaussian filter
cutoff_f1 = 0.05 # < pi/10
gamma1 = 1/(2*np.pi*cutoff_f1) #minimum gamma == 0.5
Gamp1 = 1/(2*np.pi*gamma1)
filtr1 = Gaussian2D([0,0],Gamp1,gamma1,Gconst)
# Second gaussian filter
cutoff_f2 = 0.04 # < pi/10
gamma2 = 1/(2*np.pi*cutoff_f2) #minimum gamma == 0.5
Gamp2 = 1/(2*np.pi*gamma2)
filtr2 = Gaussian2D([0,0],Gamp2,gamma2,Gconst)

# Convolve filters with noise
noise_filtr1 = conv2(noise, filtr1, mode='same')
noise_filtr2 = conv2(noise, filtr2, mode='same')

# Difference of Gaussian Output
noise_out = noise_filtr1- noise_filtr2

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