您好我有这个复制构造函数,看起来它没有制作正确的副本并抛出错误。错误是:“从gtest_main.cc运行main() 进程以退出代码139结束(由信号11中断:SIGSEGV) “。我正在用google gtest测试这个构造函数.headPtr //指向链中第一个节点的指针; topPtr //指向链中最后一个节点的指针;
模板 DLinkedStack :: DLinkedStack(const DLinkedStack& aStack){
//Points to nodes in orignal chain
Node<T> *origChainPtr = aStack.headPtr;
if (origChainPtr == nullptr)
headPtr = topPtr = nullptr; // Original bag is empty
else {
// Copy first Node
headPtr = new Node<T>();
//Point to first node in new chain
Node<T> *newChainPtr = headPtr;
//Point to last node in new chain
Node<T> *otherChainPtr = topPtr;
//copy remaining nodes
while (origChainPtr != nullptr) {
// Advance original chain pointer
origChainPtr = origChainPtr->getNext();
// get next item from original chain
T nextItem = origChainPtr->getItem();
//get previous item from original chain
T prevItem = origChainPtr->getItem();
// create a new node contaning the next item
Node<T> *newNodePtr = new Node<T>(nextItem);
// create a new node contaning the prev item
Node<T> *newNodePtr1 = new Node<T>(prevItem);
//Link new node to the end of new chain
//Link new node1 to the begining of new chain
// advance pointer to new last node
newChainPtr = newChainPtr->getNext();
// advance one forward
otherChainPtr = otherChainPtr->getNext();
newChainPtr->setNext(nullptr); // Flag end of chain