Isfirstresponder swift问题

时间:2016-10-22 20:38:27

标签: ios swift swift3


public override func isFirstResponder() -> Bool {
    // Return true if any of `self`'s subviews is the current first responder.
    // Needs to unwrap the IBOutlets otherwise IBInspectable is crashing when using CardTextField because IBOutlets
    // are not initialized yet when IBInspectable engine runs.
    guard let numberInputTextField = numberInputTextField, let monthTextField = monthTextField, let yearTextField = yearTextField, let cvcTextField = cvcTextField else {
        return false

    return [numberInputTextField, monthTextField, yearTextField, cvcTextField]
        .isEmpty == false


Error of IsFirstResponderError

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


public override func isFirstResponder() -> Bool {


public override var isFirstResponder: Bool {

Apple doc