func convert<T: Collection>(_ c: T) -> String
where T.Iterator.Element == UInt8
let start = c.startIndex
let end = c.index(after: start)
return String(bytes: c[start ... end], encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!
error: ambiguous reference to member 'subscript'
return String(bytes: c[start ... end], encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!
Swift.Collection:167:12: note: found this candidate
public subscript(position: Self.Index) -> Self.Iterator.Element { get }
Swift.Collection:189:12: note: found this candidate
public subscript(bounds: Range<Self.Index>) -> Self.SubSequence { get }
Swift.Collection:25:12: note: found this candidate
public subscript(bounds: Range<Self.Index>) -> Slice<Self> { get }
Swift.IndexableBase:54:12: note: found this candidate
public subscript(position: Self.Index) -> Self._Element { get }
Swift.IndexableBase:63:12: note: found this candidate
public subscript(bounds: Range<Self.Index>) -> Self.SubSequence { get }
Swift.Indexable:23:12: note: found this candidate
public subscript(bounds: ClosedRange<Self.Index>) -> Self.SubSequence { get }
Swift.Indexable:23:12: note: found this candidate
public subscript(bounds: CountableRange<Self.Index>) -> Self.SubSequence { get }
Swift.Indexable:45:12: note: found this candidate
public subscript(bounds: CountableClosedRange<Self.Index>) -> Self.SubSequence { get }
我在这里缺少什么? : - )
答案 0 :(得分:3)
事实上,SE-0142: Permit where clauses to constrain associated types的一个动机是允许约束associatedtype
虽然在这种特殊情况下,由于您首先没有使用associatedtype SubSequence : Sequence where SubSequence.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
约束,因此您可以约束T.Iterator.Element == UInt8
(在一般情况下,您还需要func convert<T: Collection>(_ c: T) -> String
where T.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == UInt8 {
let start = c.startIndex
let end = c.index(after: start)
// please consider handling the case where String(bytes:encoding:) returns nil.
return String(bytes: c[start ... end], encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!