
时间:2016-10-19 14:58:15

标签: c

这里是我当前代码的一部分(仍然不完整)。我试图将成本金额分配给* costPtr。但在分配之后,我在主函数中测试结果,看看我是否得到了我选择的正确值,结果似乎是0.00001而不是指定的值(299.9或349.99或999.99)。怎么了?我找不到答案。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void DisplayApps(char *selectionPtr);
void SetCost(char selection, double *costPtr);
//void PaymentOptions(double *depositPtr, double cost);
//int Compare(double deposit, double choiceCost);
//void Pay(double *depositPtr, double choiceCost);
//void GetChanged(double *depositPtr, double choiceCost);
//void DoItAgain(char *quitPtr);

int main()
    char selection;
    char *selectionPtr;
    //double choiceCost;
    double *costPtr;
    //double *depositPtr;
    //char *quitPtr;

    printf("Welcome to the App Store\n");
    selection = selectionPtr;
    printf("Your choice %c\n", selection);
    SetCost(selection, &costPtr);
    printf("The cost of this item is %fl\n", costPtr);

    return 0;

void DisplayApps(char *selectionPtr)
    printf("HERE ARE THE SLECTIONS\n");
    printf("C -- Clown Punching             $299.99\n");
    printf("V -- Virtual Snow Globe         $349.99\n");
    printf("R -- Remote PC                  $999.99\n");
    printf("G -- Grocery List Helper        $2.99\n");
    printf("M -- Mobile Cam Viewer          $89.99\n");

    printf("Please enter a selection: ", *selectionPtr);
    scanf(" %c", &*selectionPtr);


void SetCost(char selection, double *costPtr)
    double c = 299.99;
    double v = 349.99;
    double r = 999.99;
    double g = 2.99;
    double m = 89.99;
    if (selection == "C" || selection == "c")
        *costPtr = c;
    else if (selection == "V" || selection == "v")
        *costPtr = v;
    else if (selection == "R" || selection == "r")
        *costPtr = r;
    else if (selection == "G" || selection == "g")
        *costPtr = g;
    else if (selection == "M" || selection == "m")
        *costPtr = m;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



int main()
    // ...
    double cost;
    // ...
    SetCost(selection, &cost);
    printf("The cost of this item is %fl\n", cost);
    // ...

答案 1 :(得分:0)

main中,声明double cost并将&cost传递给SetCost。然后打印cost。如果启用了警告,那么您的编译器可能会遇到问题。例如,当您正在寻找double **时,您已将SetCost传递给double *