在col nr 1和2中的col nr3值中输入时间序列
[x x 1]
[x x 2]
[x x 3]
[x x 1 0 0 0]
[x x 2 0 0 0]
[x x 3 1 2 3]
[x x 4 2 3 4]
为简洁起见,首先代码生成矩阵6行/ 3列。我想用最后一列填充3个额外的列并将其合并到一个新的矩阵A中。这个矩阵A预先填充了2行以抵消起始位置。
我在下面的代码中实现了这个想法,处理大型数据集需要很长时间。 如何提高转换速度
import numpy as np
matrix = np.arange(18).reshape((6, 3))
A = np.zeros((nr-1,nr))
for x in range( matrix.shape[0]-nr+1):
newrow = (np.transpose( matrix[x:x+nr,2:3] ))
A = np.vstack([A , newrow])
total= np.column_stack((matrix,A))
print (total)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
col2 = matrix[:,2]
nrows = col2.size-nr+1
out = np.zeros((nr-1+nrows,nr))
col2_2D = np.take(col2,np.arange(nrows)[:,None] + np.arange(nr))
out[nr-1:] = col2_2D
这是使用NumPy strides
的有效替代方法 -
n = col2.strides[0]
col2_2D = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(col2, shape=(nrows,nr), strides=(n,n))
作为功能的方法 -
def org_app1(matrix,nr):
A = np.zeros((nr-1,nr))
for x in range( matrix.shape[0]-nr+1):
newrow = (np.transpose( matrix[x:x+nr,2:3] ))
A = np.vstack([A , newrow])
return A
def vect_app1(matrix,nr):
col2 = matrix[:,2]
nrows = col2.size-nr+1
out = np.zeros((nr-1+nrows,nr))
col2_2D = np.take(col2,np.arange(nrows)[:,None] + np.arange(nr))
out[nr-1:] = col2_2D
return out
def vect_app2(matrix,nr):
col2 = matrix[:,2]
nrows = col2.size-nr+1
out = np.zeros((nr-1+nrows,nr))
n = col2.strides[0]
col2_2D = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(col2, \
shape=(nrows,nr), strides=(n,n))
out[nr-1:] = col2_2D
return out
计时和验证 -
In [18]: # Setup input array and params
...: matrix = np.arange(1800).reshape((60, 30))
...: nr=3
In [19]: np.allclose(org_app1(matrix,nr),vect_app1(matrix,nr))
Out[19]: True
In [20]: np.allclose(org_app1(matrix,nr),vect_app2(matrix,nr))
Out[20]: True
In [21]: %timeit org_app1(matrix,nr)
1000 loops, best of 3: 646 µs per loop
In [22]: %timeit vect_app1(matrix,nr)
10000 loops, best of 3: 20.6 µs per loop
In [23]: %timeit vect_app2(matrix,nr)
10000 loops, best of 3: 21.5 µs per loop
In [28]: # Setup input array and params
...: matrix = np.arange(7200).reshape((120, 60))
...: nr=30
In [29]: %timeit org_app1(matrix,nr)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.19 ms per loop
In [30]: %timeit vect_app1(matrix,nr)
10000 loops, best of 3: 45 µs per loop
In [31]: %timeit vect_app2(matrix,nr)
10000 loops, best of 3: 27.2 µs per loop