
时间:2016-10-13 20:31:46

标签: r plyr



#Build Airports
code <- c("IAH", "DFW", "Denver", "STL")
lat <- c(29.97, 32.90, 39.75, 38.75)
long <- c(95.35, 97.03, 104.87, 90.37)
airports <- data.frame(code, lat, long)

#Build Pilots
names <- c("James", "Fiona", "Seamus")
lat <- c(32.335131, 44.913223, 28.849631)
long <- c(-84.989067, -97.151334, -96.917240)
pilots <- data.frame(names, lat, long)

#Create distance function
distInKm <- function(lat1, long1, lat2, long2) {
    dlat = (lat2 * 0.01745329) - (lat1 * 0.01745329) #pi/180 convert to radians
    dlong = (long2 * 0.01745329) - (long1 * 0.01745329)
    step1 = (sin(dlat / 2)) ^ 2 + cos(lat1 * 0.01745329) * cos(long2 * 0.01745329) * (sin(dlong / 2)) ^ 2
    step2 = 2 * atan2(sqrt(step1), sqrt(1 - step1))
    dist = 6372.798 * step2 #R is the radius of earth (40041.47 / (2 * pi))


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


airports$long <- -airports$long

现在,您可以使用apply评估每个机场的所有飞行员。 geosphere包有几个计算直线距离的函数,包括distGeodistHaversine


pilots$closest_airport <- apply(pilots[, 3:2], 1, function(x){
    airports[which.min(distGeo(x, airports[, 3:2])), 'code']

pilots$airport_distance <- apply(pilots[, 3:2], 1, function(x){
    min(distGeo(x, airports[, 3:2])) / 1000    # /1000 to convert m to km

##    names      lat      long closest_airport airport_distance
## 1  James 32.33513 -84.98907             STL         862.5394
## 2  Fiona 44.91322 -97.15133          Denver         855.8088
## 3 Seamus 28.84963 -96.91724             IAH         196.3559


pilots <- cbind(pilots, t(apply(pilots[, 3:2], 1, function(x){
    setNames(distGeo(x, airports[, 3:2]) / 1000, airports$code)

##    names      lat      long closest_airport       IAH       DFW    Denver       STL
## 1  James 32.33513 -84.98907             STL 1021.6523 1131.2129 1965.6586  862.5394
## 2  Fiona 44.91322 -97.15133          Denver 1666.0359 1333.6842  855.8088  885.8480
## 3 Seamus 28.84963 -96.91724             IAH  196.3559  449.1838 1412.0664 1253.4874



pilots %>% rowwise() %>% 
        mutate(closest_airport = airports[which.min(distGeo(c(long, lat), airports[, 3:2])), 'code'], 
               airport_distance = min(distGeo(c(long, lat), airports[, 3:2])) / 1000)

## Source: local data frame [3 x 5]
## Groups: <by row>
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##    names      lat      long closest_airport airport_distance
##   <fctr>    <dbl>     <dbl>          <fctr>            <dbl>
## 1  James 32.33513 -84.98907             STL         862.5394
## 2  Fiona 44.91322 -97.15133          Denver         855.8088
## 3 Seamus 28.84963 -96.91724             IAH         196.3559



pilots %>% rowwise() %>% 
    mutate(closest_airport = airports[which.min(distGeo(c(long, lat), airports[, 3:2])), 'code'], 
           data = list(data_frame(airport = airports$code, 
                                  distance = distGeo(c(long, lat), airports[, 3:2]) / 1000))) %>% 
    unnest() %>% 
    spread(airport, distance)

## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##    names      lat      long closest_airport    Denver       DFW       IAH       STL
## * <fctr>    <dbl>     <dbl>          <fctr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1  Fiona 44.91322 -97.15133          Denver  855.8088 1333.6842 1666.0359  885.8480
## 2  James 32.33513 -84.98907             STL 1965.6586 1131.2129 1021.6523  862.5394
## 3 Seamus 28.84963 -96.91724             IAH 1412.0664  449.1838  196.3559 1253.4874


pilots %>% rowwise() %>% 
    mutate(closest_airport = airports[which.min(distGeo(c(long, lat), airports[, 3:2])), 'code'], 
           data = (distGeo(c(long, lat), airports[, 3:2]) / 1000) %>% 
                   setNames(airports$code) %>% t() %>% as_data_frame() %>% list()) %>% 

## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##    names      lat      long closest_airport       IAH       DFW    Denver       STL
##   <fctr>    <dbl>     <dbl>          <fctr>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1  James 32.33513 -84.98907             STL 1021.6523 1131.2129 1965.6586  862.5394
## 2  Fiona 44.91322 -97.15133          Denver 1666.0359 1333.6842  855.8088  885.8480
## 3 Seamus 28.84963 -96.91724             IAH  196.3559  449.1838 1412.0664 1253.4874