
时间:2016-10-13 12:05:23

标签: c# biginteger


我尝试过以下方法。一切都很慢(在3 ^ 1000000上大约8万个刻度)

 int est1 = myBigInt.ToByteArray().Count();
 double est2 = BigInteger.Log10(myBigInt);
 double est3 = BigInteger.Log(myBigInt);


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


int est = myBigInt.ToByteArray().Length;

然而,这仍然是次优的,因为ToByteArray()克隆了内部缓冲区。对于非常大的数字,您甚至可以使用Reflection来读取它的更好的长期性能:< / p>

var bits = typeof(BigInteger).GetField("_bits",
    BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
int size = ((uint[])bits.GetValue(myBigInt)).Length * sizeof(uint);



所有这些都说来自Oleksandr Pshenychnyy的funny comment并没有错,除非你正在处理大量数据并且+/- 1000X(!!!)估计就够了,那么你可以使用16的常数大小字节(或32或64 ......)它应该足以容纳一个非常大的整数(另见Arbitrarily large integers in C#)...

答案 1 :(得分:1)

从.NET Core 2.1开始,有一个new API: SELECT empid,empname,age FROM employee WHERE empname LIKE '%ch'

我希望我们也能在.NET Standard的下一版本中找到它。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



static int GetBitSizeReflection(BigInteger num)
  //uint[] bits = (uint[])typeof(BigInteger).GetField("_bits", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(num);
  uint[] bits = (uint[])typeof(BigInteger).GetProperty("_Bits", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(num);
  if (bits == null) {
    //int sign = (int)typeof(BigInteger).GetField("_sign", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(num);
    int sign = (int)typeof(BigInteger).GetProperty("_Sign", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(num);
    bits = new uint[] { (uint)(sign < 0 ? sign & int.MaxValue : sign) };
  int uintLength = (int)typeof(BigInteger).GetMethod("Length", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(num, new object[] { bits });
  int topbits = (int)typeof(BigInteger).GetMethod("BitLengthOfUInt", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(num, new object[] { bits[uintLength - 1] });
  return (uintLength - 1) * sizeof(uint) * 8 + topbits;

对于GetByteSize例程-只需使用GetBitSize / 8


static int GetBitSizeRecurseBinSearch(BigInteger num)
{ //instead of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... use 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, etc
  int s = 0, t = 1, oldt = 1;
  if (t <= 0) return 0;
  while (true) {
    if ((BigInteger.One << (s + t)) <= num) { oldt = t; t <<= 1; }
    else if (t == 1) break;
    else { s += oldt; t = 1; }
  return s + 1;


static int GetBitSizeSlow(BigInteger num)
  int s = 0;
  while ((BigInteger.One << s) <= num) s++;
  return s;


static int GetBitSize(BigInteger num)
  byte[] bytes = num.ToByteArray();
  int size = bytes.Length;
  if (size == 0) return 0;
  int v = bytes[size - 1]; // 8-bit value to find the log2 of 
  if (v == 0) return (size - 1) * 8;
  int r; // result of log2(v) will go here
  int shift;
  r = (v > 0xF) ? 4 : 0; v >>= r;
  shift = (v > 0x3) ? 2 : 0; v >>= shift; r |= shift;
  r |= (v >> 1);
  return (size - 1) * 8 + r + 1;


static int GetBitSizeHiSearch(BigInteger num) //power of 2 search high, then binary search
  if (num.IsZero) return 0;
  int lo = 0, hi = 1;
  while ((BigInteger.One << hi) <= num) { lo = hi; hi <<= 1; }
  return GetBitSizeBinSearch(num, lo, hi);
static int GetBitSizeBinSearch(BigInteger num, int lo, int hi)
  int mid = (hi + lo) >> 1;
  while (lo <= hi) {
    if ((BigInteger.One << mid) <= num) lo = mid + 1;
    else hi = mid - 1;
    mid = (hi + lo) >> 1;
  return mid + 1;

但是最快的是反射,其次是获取字节,然后是二进制搜索,然后是递归二进制搜索,最后,朴素的方法是最慢的,可以通过剖析确认,因为数字越来越大(在2 ^(2 ^ 20)肯定很明显。)
