using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Clases;
public class ControladorSegmento : MonoBehaviour {
//This is a generic list of Objects that store both turning position and turning direction that the head has made
public List<PosicionCambioDireccion> listaPosicionesCambioDireccion;
//This would be the head in the case of only one segment that is following
public GameObject lider;
public float rapidez;
public Vector3 direccion;
//This is an index that is used to iterate over the list of turning points
private int indiceCambioDireccion;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
indiceCambioDireccion = 0;
listaPosicionesCambioDireccion = new List<PosicionCambioDireccion>();
//First find the Head of the snake so that we can access its position in order to determine segment spawning position
lider = GameObject.Find("Cabeza");
//Set the position of the new segment 2 units right behind the head
transform.position = lider.GetComponent<Transform>().position - lider.GetComponent<ControladorCabeza>().direccion * 2f;
//Get the current direction of the head so that the segment inmediately moves in its direction
direccion = lider.GetComponent<ControladorCabeza>().direccion;
void LateUpdate () {
//Check if there has been a change in direction that the segment has to follow
if ((listaPosicionesCambioDireccion.Count > 0) && (listaPosicionesCambioDireccion.Count > indiceCambioDireccion)) {
//Compare how close we are to the turning position. If we are sufficiently close, change segment direction
if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - listaPosicionesCambioDireccion[indiceCambioDireccion].posicion.x) < 0.0999999 &&
Mathf.Abs(transform.position.z - listaPosicionesCambioDireccion[indiceCambioDireccion].posicion.z) < 0.0999999) {
//Change segment direction at the current position
direccion = listaPosicionesCambioDireccion[indiceCambioDireccion].direccion;
//Increment turning positions list index so that we get the next turning point in the list (if there is any)
void FixedUpdate() {
//Change the velocity
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = direccion * rapidez;
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