
时间:2016-10-09 14:21:21

标签: python average mean


year interest inflation
1900  4.61    8.1



def myTest(file):
     with open ('filename', 'r') as f:
          inflation = []
          header = 1
          for line in f:
               if header !=1:
                    infl = line.split(",")[2]
                    header += 1

           avgInflation = sum(inflation)/len(inflation)

     return avgInflation



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于header += 1条件header != 1header的初始值为1,因此您无法满足追加标头的条件。因此,您循环遍历数组并且什么都不做。在您计算平均值的方法结束时,您的inflation列表仍然为空,因此len(inflation)会解析为0


def myTest(file):
     with open ('filename', 'r') as f:
          lines = f.readlines() <--- 2 
          inflation = []
          header = 1
          for line in lines:
               if header !=1:
                    infl = line.split(",")[2]
               header += 1 <--- 1 

           avgInflation = sum(inflation)/len(inflation)

     return avgInflation

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您正在初始化header = 1,并在检查infl是否不是inflation之后初始化headeravgInflation = sum(inflation)/len(inflation)的值,因此,avgInflation = sum(0/len(0))是有效的成为:

header = 0

在分区中使用之前,请务必检查通胀是否有值。也许你打算初始化@echo off setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion rem // Define constants here: set "SPLITCHAR=-" & rem // (a single character to split the file names) set "SEARCHSTR=_" & rem // (a certain string to be replaced by another) set "REPLACSTR= " & rem // (a string to replace all found search strings) set "OVERWRITE=" & rem // (set to non-empty value to force overwriting) rem // Get file location and pattern from command line arguments: set "LOCATION=%~1" & rem // (directory to move the processed files into) set "PATTERNS=%~2" & rem // (file pattern; match all files if empty) rem /* Prepare overwrite flag (if defined, set to character forbidden rem in file names; this affects later check for file existence): */ if defined OVERWRITE set "OVERWRITE=|" rem // Continue only if target location is given: if defined LOCATION ( rem // Create target location (surpress error if it already exists): 2> nul md "%LOCATION%" rem /* Loop through all files matching the given pattern rem in the current working directory: */ for /F "eol=| delims=" %%F in ('dir /B "%PATTERNS%"') do ( rem // Process each file in a sub-routine: call :PROCESS "%%F" "%LOCATION%" "%SPLITCHAR%" "%SEARCHSTR%" "%REPLACSTR%" ) ) endlocal exit /B :PROCESS rem // Retrieve first argument of sub-routine: set "FILE=%~1" rem // Split name at (first) split character and get portion in front: for /F "delims=%~3" %%E in ("%~1") do ( rem // Append a split character to partial name: set "FOLDER=%%E%~3" ) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion rem // Right-trim partial name: if not "%~4"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~4%~3=!" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~3=!" rem /* Check whether partial name is not empty rem (could happen if name began with split character): */ if defined FOLDER ( rem // Replace every search string with another: if not "%~4"=="" set "FOLDER=!FOLDER:%~4=%~5!" rem // Create sub-directory (surpress error if it already exists): 2> nul md "%~2\!FOLDER!" rem /* Check if target file already exists; if overwrite flag is rem set (to an invalid character), the target cannot exist: */ if not exist "%~2\!FOLDER!\!FILE!%OVERWRITE%" ( rem // Move file finally (surpress `1 file(s) moved.` message): 1> nul move /Y "!FILE!" "%~2\!FOLDER!" ) ) endlocal exit /B

答案 2 :(得分:0)


def myTest(file):
    with open ('filename', 'r') as f:
        inflation = []
        header = 1
        for line in f:
            if header == 1:
                header += 1
                infl = line.split(",")[2]

        avgInflation = sum(inflation)/len(inflation)

    return avgInflation


答案 3 :(得分:-1)

我看到你在for循环之外启动变量header为1。 在for循环中,检查header是否不等于1,如果等于1,则不执行任何操作。 for循环永远不会进入if header !=1: 它只是迭代你的整个文件,并在没有做任何事情的情况下退出for循环。 在第11行中,len(inflation)为0,因为您从不向它添加任何内容。 您应该更改条件循环或在代码中的某处更改变量header

def myTest(file):
 with open ('filename', 'r') as f:
      inflation = []
      header = 1
      for line in f:
           if header !=1: //Never goes inside
                infl = line.split(",")[2]
                header += 1

       avgInflation = sum(inflation)/len(inflation) //Divison by zero

 return avgInflation