namespace HelloDogs
私人品种; //将dogHeight,dogColor和noOfLegs添加到
私人int dogHeight; //私有变量
private static int noOfLegs;
public string Breed
get { return breed; }
set { breed = value; }
public static int NoOfLegs
get{return noOfLegs; } // I created properties to encapsulate the variables
set {noOfLegs = value; } // dogHeight, dogColor and noOfLegs using the properties
public int DogHeight
get {return dogHeight;}
set{dogHeight = value;}
public string DogColor
get {return dogColor;}
set{ dogColor = value;}
private string dogSpeech;
public Dog()
barkSound = "Jack!";
breed = "cocker spaniel";
// Added a new constructor below that takes the following parameters
public Dog(int h,string b, string c )
dogHeight = h;
dogColor = c;
breed = b;
// A private method to check the dogHeight if true or false
private bool IsBig(int x)
if (x < 50)
return false;
return true;
public string GetSpeech()
dogSpeech = "Hello, I am a " + breed + " , " + dogHeight + "cm" + ","
+ dogColor + "." + barkSound ;
return dogSpeech;
return dogSpeech = "You are big ";
} else
dogSpeech = " You are not big enough";
public void SetSound(String barkSound)
this.barkSound = barkSound;