450A 480C 0258 A200 B000 数据 000A 0005 END
例如,我有一个字符串:" 450A / n480C / N .." 对于每个存储器地址(一个字节),如何将字符串逐字节存储(每行为4个字节)到存储器地址。 例如: 我有地址:0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,我应该如何将450A / n480C存储到内存中? 像0x00-4,0x01-5, 我是MIPS的新手,有人可以给我一些帮助吗?答案 0 :(得分:0)
您可以使用'sb'=存储字节指令来执行此操作,使用循环...如果在$ s0中您想要保存每个字符并且您的字符串“45 .....”在$ t0中可以做到这一点:
save: .space 55 # this is where you are going to save byte by byte your string
string: .asciiz "450A/n480C/n.."
.globl __start
la $s0, save # we are just loading adresses
la $t0, string
lb $t1, 0($t0) # 'load byte' of your string... in other words take the 1st
# byte of your string and put it in $t1
sb $t1, 0($s0) # storing the 1st byte of the string in the 1st adress of $s0
addi $s0 $s0, 1 # we have to increment the adress, so the next byte
# of $t0 will be stored in the next adress of $s0
addi $t0, $t0, 1 # we also have to move the pointer in the string, so we can take
# the next character
beq $t1, $zero, End # every string ends in '\0' (null) character, which is zero
# so 'beq' means that if the string is finished and
# the char we have is '\0', we will go to End
j Loop # if its not the end of the string; we are going to loop again
# and do the same steps until the string is finished
li $v0, 10
syscall # exit and finish program