
时间:2016-10-03 09:06:39

标签: python-2.7


    def generate_steps(p1, p2, steps):  # p1 = list1, p2 = list2
        percent = 1.0 / float(steps - 1)
        points = []  # list of the lists
        for i in range(steps):
            nudged = nudge(p1, p2, (i * percent))  # generates a point in between l1 and l2
            print 'appending %s to the list points' % p1[0]
            points.append(p1)  # appends list p1 to the list points
        return points

    def nudge(t1, t2, percent): # t1 = list1, t2 = list2
        temp = t1  # copies t1 as a temporary variable, temp
        for i in range(len(t1)):
            delta_z = (t1[i][-1]) - (t2[i][-1])  # finds the difference between the points in each list
            delta_y = (t1[i][-2]) - (t2[i][-2])
            delta_x = (t1[i][-3]) - (t2[i][-3])
            step_x = percent * delta_x  # calculates how far the step must be taken
            step_y = percent * delta_y
            step_z = percent * delta_z
            temp[i][-1] = t1[i][-1] - step_z  # modifies temp to be closer to the list l2
            temp[i][-2] = t1[i][-2] - step_y
            temp[i][-3] = t1[i][-3] - step_x
        return temp

    pointss = generate_steps(l1, l2, 5)

    for i in range(len(pointss)):
        print i
        print pointss[i]


    appending [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.00215020500632, 0.001299689016483, 0.06892444046125] to the list points
    appending [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.0018009683265599401, 0.00111555626549302, 0.06920025442698] to the list points
    appending [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.001242189638943844, 0.0008209438639090519, 0.069641556772148] to the list points
    appending [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.0007392888200893575, 0.0005557927024834807, 0.0700387288827992] to the list points
    appending [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.0004710750500336315, 0.0004143787497231761, 0.07025055400847985] to the list points


    [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.0004040216075197, 0.0003790252615331, 0.0703035102899]
    [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.0004040216075197, 0.0003790252615331, 0.0703035102899]
    [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.0004040216075197, 0.0003790252615331, 0.0703035102899]
    [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.0004040216075197, 0.0003790252615331, 0.0703035102899]
    [1.0, 'T', 230.0, 'ZN', 0.0004040216075197, 0.0003790252615331, 0.0703035102899]


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