
时间:2016-10-03 03:40:09

标签: python sqlalchemy descriptor

我有一个分类帐表和一个相应的python类。 我使用SQLAlchemy定义了模型,如下所示,

struct RandomQuote {
    let inspiration = [
        "You are looking rather nice today, as always.",
        "Hello gorgeous!",
        "You rock, don't ever change!",
        "Your hair is looking on fleek today!",
        "That smile.",
        "Somebody woke up on the right side of bed!"]

    var lastQuote = 0

    mutating func getRandomInspiration() -> String {
        let max = inspiration.count - 1
        // Swift 3
        // var randomNumber = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextInt(upperBound: max)
        var randomNumber = GKRandomSource.sharedRandom().nextIntWithUpperBound(max)
        if randomNumber == lastQuote {
            randomNumber = max
        lastQuote = randomNumber
        return inspiration[randomNumber]

var rq = RandomQuote()
for _ in 1...10 {

现在你可以看到,我想创建一个名为“amountInCAD”的混合属性。 Python级别的getter似乎工作正常。但是SQL表达式不起作用。


class Ledger(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'ledger'

    currency_exchange_rate_lookup = {('CNY', 'CAD'): 0.2}

    amount = Column(Numeric(10, 2), nullable=False)
    currency = Column(String, nullable=False)
    payment_method = Column(String)
    notes = Column(UnicodeText)

    def amountInCAD(self):
        if self.currency == 'CAD':
            return self.amount
        exchange_rate = self.currency_exchange_rate_lookup[(self.currency, 'CAD')]
        CAD_value = self.amount * Decimal(exchange_rate)
        CAD_value = round(CAD_value, 2)
        return CAD_value

    def amountInCAD(cls):
        amount = cls.__table__.c.amount
        currency_name = cls.__table__.c.currency
        exchange_rate = cls.currency_exchange_rate_lookup[(currency_name, 'CAD')]
        return case([
            (cls.currency == 'CAD', amount),
        ], else_ = round((amount * Decimal(exchange_rate)),2))


>>>db_session.query(Ledger).filter(Ledger.amountInCAD > 1000)

我研究了SQLAlchemy关于混合属性的在线文档。 http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/mapped_sql_expr.html#using-a-hybrid 将我的代码与示例代码进行比较,我不明白为什么我的代码不起作用。如果在官方示例中, File "ledger_db.py", line 43, in amountInCAD exchange_rate = cls.currency_exchange_rate_lookup[(currency_name, 'CAD')] KeyError: (Column('currency', String(), table=<ledger>, nullable=False), 'CAD') 可以引用一列有价值,为什么在我的代码中,cls.firstname只返回cls.__table__.c.currency而不是其值?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

cls.firstname不是“引用价值”,而是Columnexample中的cls.firstname + " " + cls.lastname生成一个字符串连接SQL表达式,其行如下:

firstname || ' ' || lastname



from sqlalchemy import func


def amountInCAD(cls):
    # This builds a list of (predicate, expression) tuples for case. The
    # predicates compare each row's `currency` column against the bound
    # `from_` currencies in SQL.
    exchange_rates = [(cls.currency == from_,
                       # Note that this does not call python's round, but
                       # creates an SQL function expression. It also does not
                       # perform a multiplication, but produces an SQL expression
                       # `amount * :rate`. Not quite sure
                       # why you had the Decimal conversion, so kept it.
                       func.round(cls.amount * Decimal(rate), 2))
                      for (from_, to_), rate in
                      # Include only conversions to 'CAD'
                      if to_ == 'CAD']
    return case(exchange_rates +  [
        # The default for 'CAD'
        (cls.currency == 'CAD', cls.amount),
