C ++杀掉等待std :: thread

时间:2016-10-01 12:49:59

标签: c++ multithreading stdthread


void PFClient::startListen()
this->stop = false;
this-> t = thread(&PFClient::callback,this);    

void PFClient::callback()
PFAPIResponse* response;
char * temp;
    while (!this->stop)

            std::string receiver_data = "";
            //std::wcout << L"[Callback] oczekiwanie na wiadomość !" << endl;
            receiver_data = this->channel->BasicConsumeMessage()->Message()->Body();
            temp = &receiver_data[0];
... some operation with received data

void PFClient::stopListen()
this->stop = true;

信号量无法正常工作,因为它只能在下一个收到的消息之后才能工作。 我尝试detach(),terminate()但不工作。 我怎么残忍地杀了这个过程?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



while (this->stop == false) {
  auto receiver_data = std::async(/* ... address function and object*/);

  // wait for the message or until the main thread force the stop
  while (this->stop == false &&
         (receiver_data.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000) == std::future_status::timeout))

  if (this->stop == false && receiver_data.vaild() == true) {
    // handle the message