
时间:2016-09-30 14:41:44

标签: javascript jquery



<div class="alert alert-info col-md-12" id="ProfHelpAlert" role="alert" style="display:none">
    <i class="fa fa-info-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>
    <strong class="notification" id="ProfHelp"></strong>


$('#profession').on('change', function (e) { //Gets the ID of profession drop down list
    var selectedVal = $(this).val(); //Variable selectedVal this . value
    $.ajax({ //Ajax declared
        type: 'GET', //Its a get
        url: "@Url.Action("GetenquiryTypes", "UnauthEnquiry")", //It goes to the enquiry controller method GetenquiryTypes
        dataType: 'json', //Datatypes JSON
        data: { SelectedProfession: selectedVal }, //data is SelectedProfession: selectedVal
        success: function (json) { //Jquery Parse Json data from server on ajax success

            var targetDropdown = $('#enquirytype') //Var targetDropDropdown goes to dropdown ID enquiry type
            targetDropdown.empty(); //target empty dropdown
            $("<option />", {
                val: "",
                text: "Please select enquiry type" //Select enquiry type
            }).appendTo(targetDropdown); //add to the target dd
            if (json.enquiryTypes.length > 0) { //if JASON data from server greater then 0
                for (var EnquiryType in json.enquiryTypes) { //go through each EnquiryType in JSON
                    $("<option />", {
                        val: json.enquiryTypes[EnquiryType].EnquiryId, //mapping
                        text: json.enquiryTypes[EnquiryType].Enquiryname //mapping
                    }).appendTo(targetDropdown); //add to drop down


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


success: function(json) {
  //... add to end of method
 if(json.helptext) {


success: function(json) {
  //... add to end of method
 if(json.helptext == selectedVal) {