答案 0 :(得分:4)
下面的代码段中的工作示例 - 可能在全屏幕中运行最佳,并且在代码集http://codepen.io/JEE42/pen/aBOQGj中以防您想要播放。
muConnector - a class to create a line joining two elements.
To use, call new with id's of both elements and optonal lineStyle (which must be a valid css border line def such as '1px solid #000' , e.g.
var c1=new Connector(id1, id2, lineStyle)
Default line style is '1px solid #666666'
Whatever you use for drag control, call moved(e, ele) per increment of movement, where e=event and ele=the jq element being moved.
var Connector = function(params) {
if (typeof(params) == "undefined") { return false }; // If no params then abandon.
// Process input params.
var ele1=params.ele1 || ''; // First element to link
var ele2=params.ele2 || ''; // Second element to link
if ( ele1.length === 0 || ele2.length === 0) { return false }; // If not two element id's then abandon.
var className=params.class || 'muConnector'
var lineStyle=params.lineStyle || '1px solid #666666'; // CSS style for connector line.
this.gapX1=params.gapX1 || 0; // First element gap before start of connector, etc
this.gapY1=params.gapY1 || 0;
this.gapX2=params.gapX2 || 0;
this.gapY2=params.gapY2 || 0;
this.gap=params.gap || 0; // use a single gap setting.
if ( this.gap > 0 ) {
this.gapX1 = this.gap
this.gapY1 = this.gap
this.gapX2 = this.gap
this.gapY2 = this.gap
var pos = function() { // only used for standalone drag processing.
this.left = 0;
this.top = 0;
this.PseudoGuid = new (function() { // Make a GUID to use in unique id assignment - from and credit to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/226689/unique-element-id-even-if-element-doesnt-have-one
this.empty = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
this.GetNew = function() {
var fC = function() { return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1).toUpperCase(); }
return (fC() + fC() + "-" + fC() + "-" + fC() + "-" + fC() + "-" + fC() + fC() + fC());
this.id = this.PseudoGuid.GetNew(); // use guid to avoid id-clashes with manual code.
// Append the div that is the link line into the DOM
this.lineID='L' + this.id;
$('body').append("<div id='" + this.lineID + "' class='" + className + "' style= ></div>")
this.line = $('#L'+ this.id);
this.line.css({ position: 'absolute', 'border-left': this.lineStyle, 'z-index': -100 })
// We may need to store the offsets of each element that we are connecting.
this.offsets[ele1]=new pos;
this.offsets[ele2]=new pos;
this.link(); // show the initial link
Approach: draw a zero width rectangle where the top left is located at the centre of ele1.
Compute and make rectangle height equal to the distance between centres of ele1 and ele2.
Now rotate the rectangle to the angle between the points.
Note tracks the edges of the elements so as not to overlay / underlay.
Also can accommodate a gap between edge of element and start of line.
Connector.prototype.link=function link() {
var originX = this.ele1.offset().left + this.ele1.outerWidth() / 2;
var originY = this.ele1.offset().top + this.ele1.outerHeight() / 2;
var targetX = this.ele2.offset().left + this.ele2.outerWidth() / 2;
var targetY = this.ele2.offset().top + this.ele2.outerHeight() / 2;
var l = this.hyp((targetX - originX),(targetY - originY));
var angle = 180 / 3.1415 * Math.acos((targetY - originY) / l);
if(targetX > originX) { angle = angle * -1 }
// Compute adjustments to edge of element plus gaps.
var adj1=this.edgeAdjust(angle, this.gapX1 + this.ele1.width() / 2, this.gapY1 + this.ele1.height() / 2)
var adj2=this.edgeAdjust(angle, this.gapX2 + this.ele2.width() / 2, this.gapY2 + this.ele2.height() / 2)
l = l - ( adj1.hp + adj2.hp)
this.line.css({ left: originX, height: l, width: 0, top: originY + adj1.hp })
.css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)')
.css('-moz-transform', 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)')
.css('-o-transform', 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)')
.css('-ms-transform', 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)')
.css('transform', 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)')
.css('transform-origin', '0 ' + ( -1 * adj1.hp) + 'px');
Connector.prototype.Round = function(value, places) {
var multiplier = Math.pow(10, places);
return (Math.round(value * multiplier) / multiplier);
Connector.prototype.edgeAdjust = function (a, w1, h1) {
var w=0, h=0
// compute corner angles
var ca=[]
ca[0]=Math.atan(w1/h1) * 180 / 3.1415926 // RADIANS !!!
ca[1]=180 - ca[0]
ca[2]=ca[0] + 180
ca[3]=ca[1] + 180
// Based on the possible sector and angle combinations work out the adjustments.
if ( (this.Round(a,0) === 0) ) {
else if ( (this.Round(a,0) === 180) ) {
else if ( (a > 0 && a <= ca[0]) || (a < 0 && a >= (-1*ca[0])) ) {
w=-1 * Math.tan(a * ( 3.1415926 / 180)) * h1
else if ( a > ca[0] && a <= 90 ) {
h=Math.tan((90-a) * ( 3.1415926 / 180)) * w1
else if ( a > 90 && a <= ca[1] ) {
h=-1 * Math.tan((a-90) * ( 3.1415926 / 180)) * w1
else if ( a > ca[1] && a <= 180 ) {
w=-1 * Math.tan((180 - a) * ( 3.1415926 / 180)) * h1
else if ( a > -180 && a <= (-1 * ca[1]) ) {
w= Math.tan((a - 180) * ( 3.1415926 / 180)) * h1
else if ( a > (-1 * ca[1]) && a <= 0 ) {
h=Math.tan((a-90) * ( 3.1415926 / 180)) * w1
w= w1
// We now have the width and height offsets - compute the hypotenuse.
var hp=this.hyp(w, h)
return {hp: hp }
Connector.prototype.hyp = function hyp(X, Y) {
return Math.abs(Math.sqrt( (X * X) + ( Y * Y) ))
Connector.prototype.moved=function moved(e, ele) {
var id=ele.attr('id');
var line;
$( document ).ready(function() {
console.log( "ready!" );
var c1=new Connector({ele1: 'a', ele2: 'b', lineStyle: '1px solid red' })
Setup(c1, 'a');
Setup(c1, 'b');
var c2=new Connector({ele1: 'a', ele2: 'c', lineStyle: '1px solid red' })
Setup(c2, 'a');
Setup(c2, 'c');
var c3=new Connector({ele1: 'a', ele2: 'd', lineStyle: '1px solid red' })
Setup(c3, 'a');
Setup(c3, 'd');
var c4=new Connector({ele1: 'b', ele2: 'c'})
Setup(c4, 'b');
Setup(c4, 'c');
var c5=new Connector({ele1: 'b', ele2: 'd'})
Setup(c5, 'b');
Setup(c5, 'd');
var c6=new Connector({ele1: 'c', ele2: 'd'})
Setup(c6, 'c');
Setup(c6, 'd');
function Setup(connector, id) {
var ele=$('#'+id);
ele.on('mousedown.muConnector', function(e){
//#critical: tell the connector about the starting position when the mouse goes down.
connector.offsets[id].left=e.pageX - ele.offset().left;
connector.offsets[id].top=e.pageY - ele.offset().top;
//hook the mouse move
ele.on('mousemove.muConnector', function(e){
ele.css({left: e.pageX - connector.offsets[id].left, top: e.pageY - connector.offsets[id].top}); //element position = mouse - offset
connector.moved(e, ele); // #critical: call the moved() function to update the connector position.
//define mouse up to cancel moving and mouse up, they are recreated each mousedown
$(document).on('mouseup', function(e){
.thing {
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
background: transparent;
position: absolute;
border: 1px solid #666666;
.thing span {
display: block;
margin-left: 95px;
margin-top: 40px;
.muConnector {
position: absolute;
border-left: 1px dashed red;
z-index: 100;
-webkit-transform-origin: top left;
-moz-transform-origin: top left;
-o-transform-origin: top left;
-ms-transform-origin: top left;
transform-origin: top left;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span>Drag any box...</span>
<div id="a" class='thing' style='left:400px; top: 100px;'>
<div id="b" class='thing' style='left:600px; top: 300px;'>
<div id="c" class='thing' style='left:400px; top: 500px;'>
<div id="d" class='thing' style='left:200px; top: 300px;'>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
window_width = $(window).width(),
window_height = $(window).height(),
parallax_name_list = [],
parallax_positions = [];
var vtg = {
pos: function(obj){
var posType = "offset";
determineObject(obj, posType, window_width, window_height);
coord: function(){
function determineObject(obj, posType, window_width, window_height){
if (($("#"+obj).length == 0)&&($("."+obj).length == 0)){
throw new Error("VTG_SCRIPT_ERROR: Could not find element '"+obj+"'");
} else if (($("#"+obj).length == 1)&&($("."+obj).length == 1)){
throw new Error("VTG_SCRIPT_ERROR: Classnames and IDs cannot not have the same name.");
} else {
detectObjectType(obj, posType, window_width, window_height);
function detectObjectType(obj, posType, window_width, window_height){
var object_type;
if ($("#"+obj).length == 1){
var object_type = "id";
positionObject(obj, object_type, posType, window_width, window_height);
} else {
var object_type = "classname";
positionObject(obj, object_type, posType, window_width, window_height);
function positionObject(obj, type, posType, window_width, window_height){
pos = posType,
dot = ".",
if (type == "id"){
draggable = $("#"+obj).draggable();
idclass = "#";
name = idclass + obj;
unique_name = name;
} else {
draggable = $("."+obj).draggable();
idclass = ".";
name = idclass + obj;
unique_name = name;
elem = $(name).position(),
elem_top = elem.top/$(window).height() * 100,
elem_left = elem.left/$(window).width() * 100;
if ((isNaN(elem_top))&&(isNaN(elem_left))){
console.log("%cCould not calculate the position of the requested object!","font-weight: bold; color: #CC181E;");
} else {
console.debug("$('"+name+"').css({ position: 'absolute', top: '"+elem_top+"%', left: '"+elem_left+"%'});");
function detectObjectCoords( ){
elm = $(unique_name).position(),
coords_top = elm.top/$(window).height() * 100,
coords_left = elm.left/$(window).width() * 100;
console.log("%cUpdating console","color: #34A953;");
console.debug("$('"+unique_name+"').css({ position: 'absolute', top: '"+coords_top+"%', left: '"+coords_left+"%'});");
function error(msg){
throw new Error ("VTG_SCRIPT_ERROR: " + msg);
function checkType(name){
var new_name
if ($("#" + name).length == 1){
new_name = "#" + name;
return new_name;
else if ($("." + name).length == 1){
new_name = "." + name;
return new_name;
} else {
error("The element could not be found.");
return false;
function empty(word){
if (word == ""){
return true;
} else {
return false;
这段代码来自我目前正在开发的框架。它需要jQuery库。要使用它,请输入&gt; vtg.pos("your object class/id");
并复制返回的代码并将代码粘贴到html / js文件中。如果您不确定要复制什么,返回的代码应该类似于:
$(&#39; #your item&#39;)。css({position:&#39; absolute&#39;,top:&#39; 30.841007053291534%&#39;,left:&#39; 42.31259266123054%&#39;});
答案 2 :(得分:0)