
时间:2016-09-26 22:16:32

标签: c gcc c-strings


我相信这个问题与这个功能有关。它应该搜索' src'为了找到'并将其替换为'替换'。但是,如果发现'是在'src'的尾端。

char* str_find_r(const char* src, const char* find, const char* replace)
    int found = str_find(src, find);

    if(found != -1)
        int begin = found;
        int end = found + str_len(find);

        return str_replace(src, replace, begin, end);

    return str_copy(src);



#ifndef _MY_STRING_H_
#define _MY_STRING_H_

#include <stdlib.h>

int     str_compare(const char* str1, const char* str2);
int     str_contains(const char* str, const char* tok);
int     str_find(const char* str, const char* tok);
int     str_len(const char* str);

char*   str_alloc(int length);
char*   str_concat(const char* str1, const char* str2);
char*   str_copy(const char* other);
char*   str_delete(const char* str, int begin, int end);
char*   str_insert(const char* str, const char* tok, int index);
char*   str_replace(const char* str, const char* tok, int begin, int end);
char*   str_substr(const char* str, int begin, int end);

char*   str_find_r(const char* str, const char* find, const char* replace);
char*   str_find_ra(const char* str, const char* find, const char* replace);



#include "my_string.h"

int str_compare(const char* str1, const char* str2)
    int len1 = str_len(str1);
    int len2 = str_len(str2);

    int i;
    int j;  
    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < len1, j < len2; i++, j++)
        char c1 = str1[i];
        char c2 = str2[j];

        if(c1 == c2)
            if(c1 < c2)
                return -1;
                return 1;

    return 0;

int str_contains(const char* str, const char* tok)
    int len_str = str_len(str);
    int len_tok = str_len(tok);

    int i;  
    for(i = 0; i < len_str - len_tok; i++)
        char* substr = str_substr(str, i, i + len_tok);
        int compare = str_compare(substr, tok);

        if(str_compare(substr, tok) == 0)
            return 1;

    return 0;

int str_find(const char* str, const char* tok)
    int len_str = str_len(str);
    int len_tok = str_len(tok);

    int i;  
    for(i = 0; i < len_str - len_tok; ++i)
        char* substr = str_substr(str, i, i + len_tok);
        int compare = str_compare(substr, tok);

        if(compare == 0)
            return i;

    return -1;

int str_len(const char* str)
    int length = 0;

    while(str[length] != '\0')

    return length;

char* str_alloc(int length)
    char* str = malloc(sizeof(char) * length);

    return str;

char* str_concat(const char* str1, const char* str2)
    int len1 = str_len(str1);
    int len2 = str_len(str2);
    int len3 = len1 + len2;

    char* str3 = str_alloc(len3);

    int i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < len1; i++)
        str3[i] = str1[i];

    int j = 0;
    for(j = 0; j < len2; j++)
        str3[j + i] = str2[j];

    return str3;

char* str_copy(const char* other)
    int len = str_len(other);
    char* copy = str_alloc(len);

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
        copy[i] = other[i];

    return copy;


char* str_delete(const char* str, int begin, int end)
    char* str1 = str_substr(str, 0, begin);
    char* str2 = str_substr(str, end, str_len(str));

    return str_concat(str1, str2);


char* str_insert(const char* str1, const char* str2, int index)
    char* lhs = str_substr(str1, 0, index);
    char* rhs = str_substr(str1, index, str_len(str1));

    return str_concat(str_concat(lhs, str2), rhs);

char* str_replace(const char* str1, const char* str2, int begin, int end)
    char* del = str_delete(str1, begin, end);

    return str_insert(del, str2, begin);

char* str_substr(const char* str, int begin, int end)
    int len = (end - begin);    
    char* substr = str_alloc(len);

    int i, j;
    for(i = begin, j = 0; i < end; i++, j++)
        substr[j] = str[i];

    return substr;

char* str_find_r(const char* src, const char* find, const char* replace)
    int found = str_find(src, find);

    if(found != -1)
        int begin = found;
        int end = found + str_len(find);

        return str_replace(src, replace, begin, end);

    return str_copy(src);

char* str_find_ra(const char* src, const char* find, const char* replace)
    char* copy = str_copy(src);

    while(str_contains(copy, find))
        copy = str_find_r(copy, find, replace);

    return copy;


void str_stub()
    /// Compare
    int compare = str_compare("a", "b");
    printf("Compare: %i\n", compare);

    /// Contains
    int contains = str_contains("Hello, World!", ", ");
    printf("Contains: %i\n", contains);

    /// Find String
    int found = str_find("Hello, %s!", "%s");
    printf("Found at %i\n", found);

    /// Length
    int len = str_len("Hello, World!");
    printf("Length: %i\n", len);

    /// Concat
    char* concat = str_concat("Hello, ", "World!");
    printf("Concat: %s\n", concat);

    /// Copy
    char* copy = str_copy("Hello, World!");
    printf("Copy: %s\n", copy);

    /// Delete
    char* del = str_delete("Hello, World!", 0, 5);
    printf("Delete: %s\n", del);

    /// Insert
    char* insert = str_insert("HelloWorld!", ", ", 5);
    printf("Insert: %s\n", insert);

    /// Replace
    char* replace = str_replace("Hello, World!", "Goodbye", 0, 5);
    printf("Replace: %s\n", replace);

    /// Substr
    char* substr = str_substr("Hello, World!", 0, 4);
    printf("Substr: %s\n", substr);

    /// Find and Replace
    char* find_r = str_find_r("Hello, %s World!", "%s", "#");
    printf("Find-R: %s\n", find_r);

    /// Find and Replace All
    char* find_ra = str_find_ra("%sHello, %s World! %s", "%s", "#");
    printf("Find-RA: %s\n", find_ra);


Compare: -1
Contains: 1
Found at 7
Length: 13
Concat: Hello, World!
Copy: Hello, World!
Delete: , World!
Insert: Hello, World!
Replace: Goodbye, World!
Substr: Hell
Find-R: Hello, # World!
Find-RA: #Hello, # World! %s


编辑: 我改变了比较功能。仍然得到相同的结果。

int str_compare(const char* str1, const char* str2)
    int len1 = str_len(str1);
    int len2 = str_len(str2);   

    int maxLength = len1 < len2 ? len1 : len2;

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < maxLength; i++)
        char c1 = str1[i];
        char c2 = str2[i];

        if(c1 == c2)
            if(c1 < c2)
            return -1;
            return 1;

    return 0;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

alter function dbo.getpast3day (@date date)
returns datetime
    declare @reqdate datetime;
    declare @Newyears_day datetime;
    declare @Martin_Luther_Kin_Birthday datetime;
    declare @presidents_day datetime;
    declare @Memorial_day datetime;
    declare @Independence_day datetime;
    declare @Labour_day datetime;
    declare @Columbus_day datetime;
    declare @Veterans_day datetime;
    declare @Thanksgiving_day datetime;
    declare @Christmas_day datetime;
                            WHEN 1 THEN -5 
                            WHEN 2 THEN -6
                            WHEN 3 THEN -6
                            WHEN 4 THEN -6
                            WHEN 5 THEN -6 
                            ELSE -4 
                        END, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, @date)) ;
        WITH dates AS (
            SELECT DATEADD(day, number, @date) AS theDate
            FROM master.dbo.spt_values
            WHERE type = 'P'
        SELECT @Martin_Luther_Kin_Birthday=theDate
        FROM dates
        WHERE DATEDIFF(day, '19000101', theDate) % 7 = 0
            AND DATEPART(day, thedate)>=15 and DATEPART(day, thedate)<=21 and DATEPART(month,thedate)=1 and datepart(year,thedate)= year(@date);
        WITH dates AS (
            SELECT DATEADD(day, number, @date) AS theDate
            FROM master.dbo.spt_values
            WHERE type = 'P'
        SELECT @presidents_day=theDate
        FROM dates
        WHERE DATEDIFF(day, '19000101', theDate) % 7 = 0
            AND DATEPART(day, thedate)>=15 and DATEPART(day, thedate)<=21 and DATEPART(month,thedate)=2 and datepart(year,thedate)= year(@date);
        WITH dates AS (
            SELECT DATEADD(day, number, @date) AS theDate
            FROM master.dbo.spt_values
            WHERE type = 'P'
        SELECT @Memorial_day=theDate
        FROM dates
        WHERE DATEDIFF(day, '19000101', theDate) % 7 = 0
            AND DATEPART(day, thedate)>=22 and DATEPART(day, thedate)<=31 and DATEPART(month,thedate)=2 and datepart(year,thedate)= year(@date);
        WITH dates AS (
            SELECT DATEADD(day, number, @date) AS theDate
            FROM master.dbo.spt_values
            WHERE type = 'P'
        SELECT @Labour_day=theDate
        FROM dates
        WHERE DATEDIFF(day, '19000101', theDate) % 7 = 0
            AND DATEPART(day, thedate)>=1 and DATEPART(day, thedate)<=7 and DATEPART(month,thedate)=9 and datepart(year,thedate)= year(@date);
        WITH dates AS (
            SELECT DATEADD(day, number, @date) AS theDate
            FROM master.dbo.spt_values
            WHERE type = 'P'
        SELECT @Columbus_day=theDate
        FROM dates
        WHERE DATEDIFF(day, '19000101', theDate) % 7 = 0
            AND DATEPART(day, thedate)>=8 and DATEPART(day, thedate)<=14 and DATEPART(month,thedate)=10 and datepart(year,thedate)= year(@date);
        WITH dates AS (
            SELECT DATEADD(day, number, @date) AS theDate
            FROM master.dbo.spt_values
            WHERE type = 'P'
        SELECT @Thanksgiving_day=theDate
        FROM dates
        WHERE DATEDIFF(day, '19000101', theDate) % 7 = 0
            AND DATEPART(day, thedate)>=22 and DATEPART(day, thedate)<=31 and DATEPART(month,thedate)=11 and datepart(year,thedate)= year(@date);

    if (@reqdate=@Martin_Luther_Kin_Birthday or @reqdate=@presidents_day or @reqdate=@Memorial_day or @reqdate=@Labour_day or @reqdate=@Columbus_day or @reqdate=@Thanksgiving_day)
        select @reqdate= DATEADD(day,-6,@reqdate)

    --RETURN '2216-09-20 00:00:00.000' 

    return @reqdate



答案 1 :(得分:0)

我通过Visual Studio调试器运行我的代码,发现它从未实际检查字符串中的最后一个字符。我增加了str_find循环源字符串的次数。我还将每个malloc&#39; ed字符串中的最后一个字符设置为&#39; \ 0&#39;。


int str_contains(const char* str, const char* tok)
    int find = str_find(str, tok);

    return find != -1;

int str_find(const char* str, const char* tok)
    int len_str = str_len(str);
    int len_tok = str_len(tok);

    // Added +1 loops
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < (len_str - len_tok) + 1; ++i) 
        char* substr = str_substr(str, i, i + len_tok);
        if(str_equals(substr, tok)) 
            return i;

    return -1;

int str_equals(const char* str1, const char* str2)
    int len1 = str_len(str1);
    int len2 = str_len(str2);

    if(len1 != len2)
        return 0;

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < len1; i++)
        if(str1[i] != str2[i])
            return 0;

    return 1;