
时间:2016-09-23 12:17:21

标签: javascript function canvas html5-canvas



function chColor() {
    hex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000 + 1);
    color = '"' + "#" + hex + '"';
    return color;



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

问题在于将数字转换为十六进制颜色字符串。 因此,您可以编写一个将随机数转换为有效十六进制颜色的函数(请参阅what this function does):

function convertToColor(num){
    return '#' + ('00000' + (num | 0).toString(16)).substr(-6);


function chColor() {
    number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000 + 1);
    color = convertToColor(number);
    return color;



function getRandomColor(){
    number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000 + 1);
    return convertToColor(number);

答案 1 :(得分:1)


我刚刚更改了@Autowired private DataTemplatesave dataTemplatesave; 功能:


答案 2 :(得分:1)


这个答案是方式矫枉过正,我即将丢弃它,但是,为什么不为那些可能需要它的人提供更好的随机颜色...... (|: d






function randColor(){
    return "#" + 
           (Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x1000000) + 0x1000000)

该功能通过查找随机24位数(0 - 0xFFFFFF与0 - 16777216相同)来工作。因为数字没有添加前导零,所以0x100000以下的所有随机值都会在转换为十六进制时少于6位(CSS颜色值需要3或6位十六进制数值),所以我添加了0x1000000确保该数字> 0x100000并且始终有7位数字。由于不需要第一个(最左侧)数字,我使用substr将其删除。然后添加了"#"并返回。

函数Number.toString(radix)接受一个名为radix的参数,该参数指定数字转换为的基数。默认情况下,如果没有提供给10(基数十是我们人类使用的)。十六进制颜色为16,因此必须指定。 toString基数参数可以是从2(二进制)到36(使用字符0-9然后是A-Z)的任何值。




var randColour = (function(){ // as singleton so closure can track last colour
    var lastHue = 0;
    const minChange = 360 / 3; // Hue distance from last random colour
    var lastVal = false; // for low high saturation and luminance
    const randomAmount = 360 / 3; // random hue range
    const minVal = 20; // how far from full black white to stay (percent)
    const minSat = 80; // how far from grey to stay (percent)
    return function(){
         var hueChange = Math.random() * randomAmount ;
         hueChange *= Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1; // randomly move forward or backward
         lastHue += 360 + hueChange + minChange;  // move away from last colour
         lastHue %= 360;  // ensure colour is in valid range
         var sat = (Math.random() * (100 - minSat)) + minSat; // get saturation (amount of colour)
         var val = (Math.random() * (50 - minVal * 2)) * 1.5; // get value (luminance)
         // switch between high and low and luminance
         lastVal = ! lastVal;
             val = minVal + val;
         } else {
             val = 100 - minVal - val;

         return "hsl(" + lastHue.toFixed(0) + "," + sat.toFixed(0) + "%," + val.toFixed(0) + "%)";
})(); // call singleton

此函数返回一个随机颜色,但确保饱和度和值保持在特定范围内,并且色调至少是最后一个值的色轮周围的1/3。它在低亮度值和低亮度值之间循环,以使颜色变化尽可能清晰。闭包用于跟踪返回的最后一种颜色。该函数将随机颜色作为CSS hsl(hue, saturation, luminance)颜色字符串返回。

有两个常数控制颜色序列。设置为20的minVal是远离全黑或全白的百分比。有效范围是0到50,minSat设置为80是远离灰色的百分比。         const minSat = 80; //离灰色多远(百分比)



var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 620;
canvas.height = 200;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var randColour = (function(){ // as singleton so closure can track last colour
    var lastHue = 0;
    const minChange = 360 / 3; // min hue change
    var lastVal = false; // for low high saturation and luminance
    const randomAmount = 360 / 3; // amount of randomness
    const minVal = 20; // how far from full black white to stay (percent)
    const minSat = 80; // how far from grey to stay (percent)
    return function(){
         var hueChange = Math.random() * randomAmount ;
         hueChange *= Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1; // randomly move forward or backward
         lastHue += 360 + hueChange + minChange;  // move away from last colour
         lastHue %= 360;  // ensure colour is in valid range
         var sat = (Math.random() * (100 - minSat)) + minSat; // get saturation (amount of colour)
         var val = (Math.random() * (50 - minVal * 2)) * 1.5; // get value (luminance)
         // switch between high and low and luminance
         lastVal = ! lastVal;
             val = minVal + val;
         } else {
             val = 100 - minVal - val;

         return "hsl(" + lastHue.toFixed(0) + "," + sat.toFixed(0) + "%," + val.toFixed(0) + "%)";
})(); // call singleton

function randColor(){
    return "#" + 
           (Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x1000000) + 0x1000000)

const grid = 16; 
var gridX = 0;
var gridY = 0;
var bigSize = grid - (grid / 3 ) * 2;
const xStep = Math.floor((canvas.width - 12) / (grid * 2));
const yStep = Math.floor(canvas.height / grid);
var count = 0;
function drawRandomColour(){
     ctx.fillStyle = randColor(); // simple random colour
     ctx.fillRect(gridX * xStep, gridY * yStep, xStep, yStep);
     ctx.fillStyle = randColour(); // smart random colour
     ctx.fillRect(gridX * xStep + canvas.width / 2, gridY * yStep, xStep, yStep);

     if(count < grid * grid - 1){  // fill the grid
         gridX += 1;  // move to next grid
         if(gridX > grid-1){
             gridX = 0;
             gridY += 1;
             gridY %= grid;
         count += 1;
         setTimeout(drawRandomColour,1); // quickly fill grid
         return; // done for now
     // if grid is full pick a random grid loc and request the next random colour
     gridY = gridX = (grid / 3);
     setTimeout(centerChange,250); // every quarter second
 function centerChange(){
     ctx.fillStyle = randColor(); // simple random colour
     ctx.fillRect(gridX * xStep, gridY * yStep, xStep * bigSize, yStep * bigSize);
     ctx.fillStyle = randColour(); // smart random colour
     ctx.fillRect(gridX * xStep + canvas.width / 2, gridY * yStep, xStep * bigSize, yStep * bigSize);
     setTimeout(centerChange,250); // every quarter second

 drawRandomColour(); // start it up.





var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 1240;
canvas.height = 800;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var randColour = (function(){ // as singleton so closure can track last colour
    var lastHue = 0;
    const minChange = 360 / 3; // min hue change
    var lastVal = false; // for low high saturation and luminance
    const randomAmount = 360 / 3; // amount of randomness
    const minVal = 20; // how far from full black white to stay (percent)
    const minSat = 80; // how far from grey to stay (percent)
    return function(){
         var hueChange = Math.random() * randomAmount ;
         hueChange *= Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1; // randomly move forward or backward
         lastHue += 360 + hueChange + minChange;  // move away from last colour
         lastHue %= 360;  // ensure colour is in valid range
         var sat = (Math.random() * (100 - minSat)) + minSat; // get saturation (amount of colour)
         var val = (Math.random() * (50 - minVal * 2)) * 1.5; // get value (luminance)
         // switch between high and low and luminance
         lastVal = ! lastVal;
             val = minVal + val;
         } else {
             val = 100 - minVal - val;

         return "hsl(" + lastHue.toFixed(0) + "," + sat.toFixed(0) + "%," + val.toFixed(0) + "%)";
})(); // call singleton

function randColor(){
    return "#" + 
           (Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x1000000) + 0x1000000)

const grid = 32; 
var gridX = 0;
var gridY = 0;
const xStep = Math.floor((canvas.width - 12) / (grid * 2));
const yStep = Math.floor(canvas.height / grid);
var count = 0;
function drawRandomColour(){
     ctx.fillStyle = randColor(); // simple random colour
     ctx.fillRect(gridX * xStep, gridY * yStep, xStep, yStep);
     ctx.fillStyle = randColour(); // smart random colour
     ctx.fillRect(gridX * xStep + canvas.width / 2, gridY * yStep, xStep, yStep);

     if(count < grid * grid - 1){  // fill the grid
         gridX += 1;  // move to next grid
         if(gridX > grid-1){
             gridX = 0;
             gridY += 1;
             gridY %= grid;
         count += 1;
         setTimeout(drawRandomColour,1); // quickly fill grid
         return; // done for now

 drawRandomColour(); // start it up.

 // redraw on click
     if(count >= grid * grid - 1){
          gridX = gridY = count = 0;
     }else { 
          gridX = gridY = count = 0;



虽然第二个随机函数并不完美,但它可能会不时地获得在上下文中看起来相似的颜色,这种颜色比纯随机函数要少得多。当对于用户注意到视觉变化很重要时,最好的方法是使两个互补色(色调+ 180)循环,其中一个具有高亮度而另一个具有低亮度。 CSS hsl颜色字符串可以轻松选择亮度和色调,当您想要随机颜色时,可以更好地控制。

答案 3 :(得分:0)



function chColor() {
        hex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + 1;
        color = '' + '#' + hex + '';
        return color;