
时间:2016-09-22 03:30:24

标签: java


当我运行调试器时,程序在pj.nextNodeLink = p.nextNodeLink上崩溃。 swap函数应该接受两个int输入并交换它们的值。我试图改变nextNodeLink指针这样做,但显然失败了。任何帮助将非常感激!

 public void swapByIndex(int firstIndexValue, int secondIndexValue){
    if(firstIndexValue<0 || secondIndexValue<0 || firstIndexValue>size-1 || secondIndexValue>size-1) {
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
    else if(head == tail){ // Case one - only one element in list
        System.out.println("The list only has one element. Nothing to swap. ");
    else{ // Case Two - two or more elements
        //keep a pointer to the next element of head
        Node firstPointer = head;
        Node firstSwapElement = firstPointer;
        for(int k=0; k<firstIndexValue; k++){
            firstSwapElement = firstPointer; // save the node P is on into 'previ' node
            firstPointer = firstPointer.nextNodeLink; // P iterates to next node

        Node secondPointer = head;
        Node secondSwapElement = secondPointer;
        for(int k=0; k<secondIndexValue; k++){
            secondSwapElement = secondPointer;
            secondPointer = secondPointer.nextNodeLink;

        Node secondNodeSave = secondPointer; // save this so we have the correct next node link for second swap

        secondPointer.nextNodeLink = firstPointer.nextNodeLink;
        firstSwapElement.nextNodeLink = secondSwapElement;
        firstPointer.nextNodeLink = secondNodeSave.nextNodeLink;
        secondSwapElement.nextNodeLink = secondPointer;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您的代码如何工作 - 您要交换的A和B节点。:

Say initially you had, A - a - a2.... B - b- b2

b.next = a.next;  // b - a2
A.next = B;   // A - B
a.next = secondNodeSave.next; // a - b2
B.next = b;  // B - b


A - B - b - a2 - ?
a - b2 - ?


B - a - a2.... A - b- b2



aPre - A - aNext ..... bPre - B - bNext

aPre->next = B
B->next    = aNext
bPre->next = A
A->next    = bNext

答案 1 :(得分:0)


 public void swapByIndex(int firstIndexValue, int secondIndexValue){
            if(firstIndexValue<0 || secondIndexValue<0 || firstIndexValue>size-1 || secondIndexValue>size-1) {
                throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
            else if(head == tail){ // Case one - only one element in list
                System.out.println("The list only has one element. Nothing to swap. ");
                     System.out.print("Both are pointing to same index, no need to swap");
            else{ // Case Two - two or more elements
                //keep a pointer to the next element of head
                Node firstPointer = head;
                Node firstSwapElement = firstPointer;
                for(int k=0; k<firstIndexValue; k++){
                    firstSwapElement = firstPointer; // save the node P is on into 'previ' node
                    firstPointer = firstPointer.nextNodeLink; // P iterates to next node

                Node secondPointer = head;
                Node secondSwapElement = secondPointer;
                for(int k=0; k<secondIndexValue; k++){
                    secondSwapElement = secondPointer;
                    secondPointer = secondPointer.nextNodeLink;

                Node secondNodeSave = secondPointer; // save this so we have the correct next node link for second swap

                secondPointer.nextNodeLink = firstPointer.nextNodeLink;
                firstSwapElement.nextNodeLink = secondPointer;
                firstPointer.nextNodeLink = secondNodeSave.nextNodeLink;
                secondSwapElement.nextNodeLink = firstPointer;


答案 2 :(得分:0)

使用不同的策略结束 - 而不是通过重新排列下一个指针实际尝试交换节点本身,我只是使用临时变量交换值。

  public void swapByIndex(int firstIndexValue, int secondIndexValue){
    if(firstIndexValue<0 || secondIndexValue<0 || firstIndexValue>size-1 || secondIndexValue>size-1) {
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
    else if(head == tail){ // Case one - only one element in list
        System.out.println("The list only has one element. Nothing to swap. ");
    else{ // Case Two - two or more elements
        //keep a pointer to the next element of head
        Node firstSwapElement = head; //THIS IS THE FIRST ELEMENT!
        Node previousFirstSwapElement = firstSwapElement;
        for(int k=0; k<firstIndexValue; k++){
            previousFirstSwapElement = firstSwapElement; // save the node P is on into 'previ' node
            firstSwapElement = firstSwapElement.nextNodeLink; // P iterates to next node

        Node secondSwapElement = head;
        Node previousSecondSwapElement = secondSwapElement;
        for(int k=0; k<secondIndexValue; k++){
            previousSecondSwapElement = secondSwapElement;
            secondSwapElement = secondSwapElement.nextNodeLink;

        Integer temp = (Integer)secondSwapElement.data;
        secondSwapElement.data = firstSwapElement.data;
        firstSwapElement.data = temp;
