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<img title="Howard Rupert" src="http://kingkongco.com.au/c-cor/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/profile1.png" alt="Howard Rupert" />
<h4 class="light">Howard Rupert</h4>
<div class="position">account director</div>
<p class="description">Howard is a highly capable, deeply experienced technical sales leader with a wealth of exposure to HFC Connectivity Equipment since 1989. Today he leads C-COR’s CONNECTIONS product
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<p class="cdscontainer">line which includes passive products such as coaxial cable, coaxial hard-line, cable connectors, optical cable, optical connectors, Taps and all other passive devices plus DOCSIS and RF test equipment. Howard joined C-COR from Pacific Broadband Networks
in 2014 where he was Sales Director for North America and Oceania sales. Previously, he served an extensive career with C-COR Inc. originally in USA and then in Hong Kong as an AsiaPac account leader. He developed country plans and engaged manufacturing
product line management for Connectivity Equipment requirements. Howard started in the DOCSIS Cable Networks industry in 1989. In this time, Howard has been part of an industry evolution from CableLabs DOCSIS 1.0 to the emerging DOCSIS 3.1 standard.
With over 25 years of international technical sales experience Howard has been engaged in optical cables, coaxial cables including experience in military product specifications and high current connectors. Howard was awarded a Masters of Business Administration
(University of Western Ontario) and a Bachelor of Science (Pennsylvania State University).
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