
时间:2016-09-17 04:05:23

标签: c arrays printf


void add_employee(Employee *db, int db_size){
    int tst1, tst2, tst3, tst4 = 0;
    char temp_first[MAXNAME];
    char temp_last[MAXNAME];
    int temp_six_digit_id;
    int temp_salary;
    printf("Please enter a first name:\n");
    if(scanf("%s", temp_first) == 1){tst1 == 1;}
            printf("Please enter a valid name.\n");
            while(tst1 == 0){
                    if(scanf("%s", temp_first) == 1){tst1 == 1;}
                    else{printf("Please enter a valid name.\n");}
    printf("Please enter a last name:\n");
    if(scanf("%s", temp_last) == 1){tst2 == 1;}
            printf("Please enter a valid name.\n");
            while(tst2 == 0){
                    if(scanf("%s", temp_last) == 1){tst2 == 1;}
                    else{printf("Please enter a valid name.\n");}
    printf("Please enter the six digit ID number:\n");
    if(scanf("%d", &temp_six_digit_id) == 1){tst3 ==1;}
            printf("Please enter a valid ID number:\n");
            while(tst3 == 0){
                    if(scanf("%d", &temp_six_digit_id) == 1){tst3 == 1;}
                    else{printf("Please enter a valid ID number:\n");}
    printf("Please enter the salary:\n");
    if(scanf("%d", &temp_salary) ==1){tst4 == 1;}
            printf("Please enter a valid Salary:\n");
            while(tst3 == 0){
                    if(scanf("%d", &temp_salary) == 1){tst3 == 1;}
                    else{printf("Please enter a valid Salary:\n");}
    strcpy(db[db_size].first_name, temp_first);
    strcpy(db[db_size].last_name, temp_last);
    db[db_size].six_digit_id = temp_six_digit_id;
    db[db_size].salary = temp_salary;


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





答案 1 :(得分:0)


if(scanf("%s", temp_first) == 1){tst1 == 1;}
//change tst1 == 1; to tst1 = 1;

if(scanf("%s", temp_last) == 1){tst2 == 1;}
//change tst2 == 1; to tst2 = 1;

if(scanf("%d", &temp_six_digit_id) == 1){tst3 == 1;}
//change tst3 == 1; to tst3 = 1;


if(scanf("%d", &temp_salary) ==1){tst4 == 1;}  // use tst4 = 1
        printf("Please enter a valid Salary:\n");
        while(tst3 == 0){  // you need to use tst4 == 0

        if(scanf("%d", &temp_salary) == 1){tst3 == 1;}  //use tst4 = 1;
        else{printf("Please enter a valid Salary:\n");}

答案 2 :(得分:0)


答案 3 :(得分:0)

继续发表评论时,使用scanf阅读用户输入时需要考虑许多因素。这就是为什么,作为一般命题,面向行的是首选(例如fgetsgetline),这将消除因留下'\n'而导致的问题。 输入缓冲区(此处为stdin)。 fgetsgetline都会读取并包含换行符(当用户在键盘上按 Enter 时生成。在使用其中任何一个读取后,只需将读取的字符串传递给sscanf,即可从读取的字符串中解析所需的信息。


在查看scanf之前,让我们谈谈您目前拥有的void类型的功能。这完全是对回报的浪费,可用于指示输入的成功或失败。你将如何处理用户取消输入(比如 Ctrl + d (在Linux上)或 Ctrl + z (windoze))当在函数中输入时,总是提供一个返回值,可用于指示成功/失败。在这里,您可以简单地返回指向新节点的指针以指示成功,或者NULL指示失败。然后,您的函数将是Employee *类型,而不是void

也就是说,带有scanf格式说明符的%s读取,但不包括第一个空格或 '\n'。因此,当您的用户输入name并按Enter键时,您会在变量中捕获"name",但'\n'仍在stdin中。如果您下一次输入是数字类型,或者键入char,则scanf会愉快地使用'\n'作为用户的值(假设scanf跳过了提示)。为了防止scanf'\n'作为下一个值,无论其类型如何,您都可以在格式说明符之前加上space(例如" %s" }}这将导致scanf在第一个非空白字符('\n'被视为空格)之前忽略所有空格。

您还可以将分配抑制运算符用于scanf。 (例如"%s%*c"'*'之前的c告诉scanf 读取并丢弃下一个字符(不影响匹配)由scanf返回的计数。您可以在man scanf中阅读相关内容。 (在读取可包含嵌入空格的最大字符数时也更有意义,例如" %99[^\n]%*c"用于最大100 char字符串 - 包括nul-byte

要阅读不包含scanf空格的字符串,您可以确保您收到输入,同时还允许用户使用手册EOF取消输入而不包含所有tst1, tst2, ...个变量。以temp_first值为例。你可以这样做:

    int return_val;  /* capture the return of scanf */
    printf ("\nPlease enter a first name: ");
    while ((return_val = scanf (" %s", temp_first)) != 1) {
        if (return_val == EOF)      /* trap manual EOF  */
            return NULL;            /* return NULL for error */
        fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid first name.\n");
        printf ("Please enter a first name: ");



    printf ("Please enter the six digit ID number: ");
    while ((return_val = scanf (" %s", temp_id)) != 1 ||
            strlen (temp_id) != 6) {
        if (return_val == EOF)
            return NULL;
        fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid ID.\n");
        printf ("Please enter the six digit ID number: ");
    temp_six_digit_id = (int)strtol (temp_id, NULL, 10);
    /* strtol validations omitted (see man strtod example) */



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* constants, max(employees, ID, salary, name) */
enum { MAXE = 3, MAXID = 32, MAXSAL = 64, MAXNAME = 256 };

typedef struct {
    char first_name[MAXNAME],
    int six_digit_id,
} Employee;

int main (void) {

    Employee db[MAXE] = {{ .first_name = "" }};
    char temp_first[MAXNAME] = "",
         temp_last[MAXNAME] = "",
         temp_id[MAXID] = "",
         temp_sal[MAXSAL] = "";
    int temp_six_digit_id = 0,
        temp_salary = 0,
        return_val = 0,
        db_size = 0;

    while (db_size < MAXE) {

        printf ("\nPlease enter a first name: ");
        while ((return_val = scanf (" %s", temp_first)) != 1) {
            if (return_val == EOF)      /* trap manual EOF  */
                return 1;           /* return NULL for error */
            fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid first name.\n");
            printf ("Please enter a first name: ");

        printf ("Please enter a last name: ");
        while ((return_val = scanf (" %s", temp_last)) != 1) {
            if (return_val == EOF)
                return 1;
            fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid last name.\n");
            printf ("Please enter a last name: ");

        printf ("Please enter the six digit ID number: ");
        while ((return_val = scanf (" %s", temp_id)) != 1 ||
                strlen (temp_id) != 6) {
            if (return_val == EOF)
                return 1;
            fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid ID.\n");
            printf ("Please enter the six digit ID number: ");
        temp_six_digit_id = (int)strtol (temp_id, NULL, 10);
        /* strtol validations omitted (see man strtod example) */

        printf ("Please enter the salary: ");
        while ((return_val = scanf (" %s", temp_sal)) != 1) {
            if (return_val == EOF)
                return 1;
            fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid salary.\n");
            printf ("Please enter a the salary: ");
        temp_salary = (int)strtol (temp_sal, NULL, 10);

        strcpy(db[db_size].first_name, temp_first);
        strcpy(db[db_size].last_name, temp_last);
        db[db_size].six_digit_id = temp_six_digit_id;
        db[db_size].salary = temp_salary;

        db_size++;  /* 'db_size' is a copy here, changes are not visible in the
                     caller, pass a pointer to db_size to make change visible */

    for (int i = 0; i < db_size; i++)
        printf ("\n name   : %s %s\n ID     : %d\n salary : %d\n",
                db[i].first_name, db[i].last_name, db[i].six_digit_id,

    return 0;



$ ./bin/emp_input

Please enter a first name: Mary
Please enter a last name: Jane
Please enter the six digit ID number: 123
error: invalid ID.
Please enter the six digit ID number: 123456
Please enter the salary: 937

Please enter a first name: John
Please enter a last name: Doe
Please enter the six digit ID number: 234567
Please enter the salary: 1024

Please enter a first name: Bill
Please enter a last name: Jones
Please enter the six digit ID number: 234568
Please enter the salary: 1020

 name   : Mary Jane
 ID     : 123456
 salary : 937

 name   : John Doe
 ID     : 234567
 salary : 1024

 name   : Bill Jones
 ID     : 234568
 salary : 1020
