
时间:2016-09-16 17:09:20

标签: r




x <- structure(list(from = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L
), to = c(2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L), number = c(30, 
30, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39), name = c("region 1", "region 2", 
"region 3", "region 4", "region 5", "region 6", "region 7", "region 8", 
"region 9", "region 10")), .Names = c("from", "to", "number", 
"name"), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame")

#   from to number      name
#1     1  2     30  region 1
#2     2  3     30  region 2
#3     3  4     30  region 3
#4     4  5     33  region 4
#5     5  6     34  region 5
#6     1  2     35  region 6
#7     2  3     36  region 7
#8     3  4     37  region 8
#9     4  5     38  region 9
#10    5  6     39 region 10



y <- structure(list(location = c(1.5, 2.8, 10, 3.5, 2), id_number = 
c(30, 30, 38, 40, 36)), .Names = c("location", "id_number"), row.names 
= c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")

#  location id_number
#1      1.5        30
#2      2.8        30
#3     10.0        38
#4      3.5        40
#5      2.0        36


我需要的是一个函数(或命令,或者我可以在R中投掷的任何东西;-)): 对于y中的每一行:查找y $位置是否适合x $ from和x $到AND y $ id_number == x $ number。 如果找到一个匹配(一个位置y只能落在x行的一行中,或者在y中,则y不可能存在于y中的两行中),将x $ name返回到y中的一个新列,名为“name”


#  location id_number     name
#1      1.5        30 region 1
#2      2.8        30 region 2
#3     10.0        38     <NA>
#4      3.5        40     <NA>
#5      2.0        36 region 7

我对R很新,所以我的第一个想法是使用for循环来解决这个问题(正如我以前在VB中所做的那样)。但后来我想:“noooooo”,我必须对它进行检验,就像所有人都告诉我优秀的R程序员一样; - )

所以我提出了一个函数,并用adply(来自plyr-package)调用它。 问题是:它不起作用,抛出一个我不明白的错误,现在我被卡住了......



getValue <- function(y, x) {
 tmp <- x %>%
   filter(from <= y$location, to > y$location, number == y$id_number)

y["name"] <- adply(y, 1, getValue, x=x)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


f <- function(vec, id) {
  if(length(.x <- which(vec >= x$from & vec <= x$to & id == x$number))) .x else NA
y$name <- x$name[mapply(f, y$location, y$id_number)]
#  location id_number     name
#1      1.5        30 region 1
#2      2.8        30 region 2
#3     10.0        38     <NA>
#4      3.5        40     <NA>
#5      2.0        36 region 7

答案 1 :(得分:2)


# we need this for the last line - if you don't use magrittr, just wrap the sapply around the lapply

# get a list of vectors where each item is whether an item's location in y is ok in each to/from in x
locationok  <- lapply(y$location, function(z) z >= x$from & z <= x$to)

# another list of logical vectors indicating whether y's location matches the number in x
idok  <- lapply(y$id_number, function(z) z== x$number)

# combine the two list and use the combined vectors as an index on x$name
lapply(1:nrow(y), function(i) {
      x$name[ locationok[[i]] & idok[[i]]  ]
}) %>% 
# replace zero length strings with NA values
sapply( function(x) ifelse(length(x) == 0, NA, x)

答案 2 :(得分:1)

