我希望BinaryTree中的节点“预订”遍历访问它们 这个顺序[N0,N1,N2,N3] 我应该怎么做以下结构?
one sig Ordering { // model a linear order on nodes
first: Node, // the first node in the linear order
order: Node -> Node // for each node n, n.(Ordering.order) represents the
// node (if any) immediately after n in order
fact LinearOrder { // the first node in the linear order is N0; and
// the four nodes are ordered as [N0, N1, N2, N3]
pred SymmetryBreaking(t: BinaryTree) { // if t has a root node, it is the
//first node according to the linear order; and
// a "pre-order" traversal of the nodes in t visits them according
//to the linear order
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`N0.(Ordering.order) = N1`
no t.root or
t.root = N0 // 3
all h : t.root.^(left+right) | one n : t.root.*(left+right) |
(n.left = h and n.(Ordering.order) = h ) or //1
( one l :( n.left*(left+right) + n)| n.right = h and l.(Ordering.order) = h)//2