
时间:2016-09-14 15:30:24

标签: javascript forms dom





<table border="1" class="i8_zebra">
      <th>Quote #</th>
      <th>Sub Total</th>
      <th>Misc. Charges</th>
      <th>Customer Savings</th>
      <th>Grand Total</th>
    <tr data-id="206">
      <td class="textCenter"><a href="/salesplustools/quotes/details/206">206</a></td>
      <td class="textCenter">March 8th, 2015</td>
      <td>Matthew Ward 123 Magnolia St Hempstead NY 11550-1234</td>
      <td class="textRight">$6849.96</td>
      <td class="textRight">$50.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$100.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight"><span class="hilite-red">-$750.00</span></td>
      <td class="textRight">0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$6249.96</td>
      <td class="textCenter"><input class="btn btn-sm btn-gray" type="button" name="row_Delete_206" value="Archive Quote" data-id="206"></td>
    <tr data-id="204">
      <td class="textCenter"><a href="/salesplustools/quotes/details/204">204</a></td>
      <td class="textCenter">March 5th, 2015</td>
      <td>Matthew Ward 123 Magnolia St Hempstead NY 11550-1234</td>
      <td class="textRight">$2199.98</td>
      <td class="textRight">$80.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight"><span class="hilite-red">-$255.00</span></td>
      <td class="textRight">131.62</td>
      <td class="textRight">$2156.60</td>
      <td class="textCenter"><input class="btn btn-sm btn-blue" type="button" name="row_Add_204" value="Unarchive Quote" data-id="204"></td>
    <tr data-id="203">
      <td class="textCenter"><a href="/salesplustools/quotes/details/203">203</a></td>
      <td class="textCenter">March 5th, 2015</td>
      <td>Matthew Ward Apt C 5800 Springfield Gardens Springfield VA 22162-1058</td>
      <td class="textRight">$5099.97</td>
      <td class="textRight">$80.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight"><span class="hilite-red">-$350.00</span></td>
      <td class="textRight">311.12</td>
      <td class="textRight">$5141.09</td>
      <td class="textCenter"><input class="btn btn-sm btn-blue" type="button" name="row_Add_203" value="Unarchive Quote" data-id="203"></td>
    <tr data-id="127">
      <td class="textCenter"><a href="/salesplustools/quotes/details/127">127</a></td>
      <td class="textCenter">December 30th, 2014</td>
      <td>Matthew Ward Apt C 5800 Springfield Gardens Springfield VA 22162-1058</td>
      <td class="textRight">$4898.99</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight"><span class="hilite-red">-$200.00</span></td>
      <td class="textRight">0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$4698.99</td>
      <td class="textCenter"><input class="btn btn-sm btn-gray" type="button" name="row_Delete_127" value="Archive Quote" data-id="127"></td>
    <tr data-id="4">
      <td class="textCenter"><a href="/salesplustools/quotes/details/4">4</a></td>
      <td class="textCenter">September 15th, 2014</td>
      <td>Matthew Ward Apt C 5800 Springfield Gardens Springfield VA 22162-1058</td>
      <td class="textRight">$6348.98</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight"><span class="hilite-red">-$0.00</span></td>
      <td class="textRight">0.00</td>
      <td class="textRight">$6348.98</td>
      <td class="textCenter"><input class="btn btn-sm btn-blue" type="button" name="row_Add_4" value="Unarchive Quote" data-id="4"></td>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[

// fade out see http://www.chrisbuttery.com/articles/fade-in-fade-out-with-javascript/

function fadeOut(el){
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for(var i = 0; i < btnArchive.length; i++) { // loop thru all elements starting with...
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var btnUnarchive = document.querySelectorAll('[name^="row_Add_"]');
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  btnUnarchive[i].addEventListener( 'click', function(event) {
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  }, false);

// ]]>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


var unarchiveQuote = function(event) {
  target.setAttribute('name', btnName.replace('_Add_','_Delete_'));  

  *target.addEventListener( 'click', function(event) {
    archiveQuote.call(this, event);
  }, false);*