
时间:2016-09-09 13:32:54

标签: c++ types stl c++14 type-safety

假设我有一个代表自动机的类,其状态编号为using state_t = unsigned),其过渡也编号为using transition_t = unsigned)。当然在某些时候我最终弄乱了一些调用,因为transition_tstate_t是相同的类型,所以编译器不强制(语义)类型安全。通过使用由标记(struct transition_tag {}; struct state_tag {};)模板化的小类,这很容易解决,所以现在transition_tstate_t不兼容,很好!

/// Lightweight state/transition handle (or index).
template <typename Tag>
struct index_t_impl
  using index_t = unsigned;

  constexpr index_t_impl(index_t i)
    : s{i}

  // Disallow index1_t i{index2_t{42}};
  template <typename T>
  index_t_impl(index_t_impl<T> t) = delete;

  bool operator==(index_t_impl t) const
    return s == t.s;

  // Disallow index1_t{42} ==  index2_t{42};
  template <typename T>
  bool operator==(index_t_impl<T> t) const = delete;

  /// Default ctor to please containers.
  index_t_impl() = default;
  constexpr operator index_t() const { return s; }
  /// Be compliant with Boost integer ranges.
  index_t_impl& operator++() { ++s; return *this; }
  /// Be compliant with Boost integer ranges.
  index_t_impl& operator--() { --s; return *this; }

  index_t s;


  • predecessors_t将过渡映射到其前一过渡(在最短路径中)。为了提高效率,它是std::vector<transition_t>
  • path_t是转换索引列表。效率为std::vector<transition_t>

然后我又遇到了这个问题,我将std::vector<transition_t>用于两个完全不同的目的。当然,我可以再次引入一个由标签模板化的包装器,然后事情再次变得混乱。公共继承非常诱人(Thou shalt not inherit from std::vector)!

但实际上,每次我想要引入与基本类型完全相同的新类型时,我已经厌倦了临时解决方案,但只是不兼容。这方面有什么建议吗?公共继承真的很有吸引力,但它不会引入额外实例化的代码膨胀吗?也许Crashworks(https://stackoverflow.com/a/4353276/1353549)推荐的公共构图(struct predecessors_t { std::vector<transition_t> v; };)是更好的选择,可以更好地扩展吗?

C ++的未来有什么东西可以解决这个新问题吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

这种获取编译器强制语义类型的问题可以在各种情况下出现,从你的情况到协调具有不同来源的系统(其中值都是相同的类型(例如int)),但在语义上,这些类型不能混合,因为它们代表来自不同来源的偏移(x,y,z = 0,0,0) - 这在数学中经常发生,其中,当用正x和y绘制象限时,原点是在左下方,计算机科学中将原点左上角放置在宇宙飞船导航中非常普遍(更多内容见下文)。

2012年,Bjarne Stroustrup就他所谓的类型丰富的编程引入了一个有趣的话题,使用模板,用户定义的文字,声称没有运行时开销实施,甚至从火星气候观察员的战斗中获得的经验教训(3.5亿美元的航天器+由于缺乏强制语义类型安全而丢失的任务)。你可以在这里看到他所涉及的语义类型的部分内容:https://youtu.be/0iWb_qi2-uI?t=19m6s

我已经根据Stroustrup的演示代码编写了示例代码摘录,并根据当前标准进行了更新,并实现了所需的运算符重载。与Bjarne的例子不同,这个实际上是编译的。 ;)


//Compiled with clang -std=c++14 -Weverything -Wno-c++98-compat main.cpp -o main

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template<int M, int K, int S>  //Meters, Kilograms, Seconds (MKS)
struct Unit
    enum { m=M, kg=K, s=S };

template<typename Unit> //a magnitude with a unit
struct Value
    double val; //the magnitude
    constexpr explicit Value(double d) : val(d) {} //construct a Value from a double

//Basic Semantic Units for MKS domain
using Meter = Unit<1, 0, 0>;
using Kilogram = Unit<0, 1, 0>;
using Second = Unit<0, 0, 1>;
using Second2 = Unit<0, 0, 2>;

//Semantic Value Types for MKS domain
using Time = Value<Second>;
using Distance = Value<Meter>;
using Mass = Value<Kilogram>;
using Speed = Value<Unit<1, 0, -1>>; //Speed is meters/second
using Acceleration = Value<Unit<1, 0, -2>>; //Acceleration is meters/second^2

//Operator overloads to properly calculate units (incomplete; for demo purposes)
Speed operator/(const Distance& lhs, const Time& rhs)
    return Speed(lhs.val / rhs.val);

Acceleration operator/(const Speed& lhs, const Time& rhs)
    return Acceleration(lhs.val / rhs.val);

//Define literals
constexpr Distance operator"" _m(long double ld)
    return Distance(static_cast<double>(ld));

constexpr Mass operator"" _kg(long double ld)
    return Mass(static_cast<double>(ld));

constexpr Time operator"" _s(long double ld)
    return Time(static_cast<double>(ld));

constexpr Acceleration operator"" _s2(long double ld)
    return Acceleration(static_cast<double>(ld));

int main()
    Speed sp = Distance(100)/Time(9.58); //Not bad, but units could be more convenient...
    Distance d1 = 100.0_m; //A good distance to run a race
    Speed sp1 = 100.0_m/9.58_s; //A human can run this fast
//    Speed sp2 = 100.0_m/9.8_s2; //Error: speed is m/s, not m/s^2
//    Speed sp3 = 100.0/9.8_s; //Error: 100 has no unit
    Acceleration ac1 = sp1/0.5_s; //Faster than any human

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;