'{\n\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n
"16241885":{title: "Nosefrida Fridababy Windi Gas & Colic Relief", isIneligible: false, isDiscontinued: false, isLowInventory: false, isAllowed: true}
\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t, \n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n
"8650356":{title: "Babyganics Face- Hand & Baby Wipes- Fragrance Free- 100 Count", isIneligible: false, isDiscontinued: false, isLowInventory: false, isAllowed: true}
\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t, \n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n
"16249889":{title: "Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator Replacement Filters", isIneligible: false, isDiscontinued: false, isLowInventory: false, isAllowed: true}
\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t, \n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n
"8650355":{title: "Babyganics Face- Hand & Baby Wipes- Fragrance Free- 40 Count", isIneligible: false, isDiscontinued: false, isLowInventory: false, isAllowed: true}
\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t, \n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n
"15490928":{title: "BabyGanics Newborn Ultra Absorbent Jumbo Size Diapers - 36 Count", isIneligible: false, isDiscontinued: false, isLowInventory: false, isAllowed: true}
\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t, \n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n
"14712536":{title: "Marvel Superhero Bandages", isIneligible: false, isDiscontinued: false, isLowInventory: false, isAllowed: true}
\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t, \n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n
"16263505":{title: "Nosefrida "The Snotsucker" Nasal Aspirator", isIneligible: false, isDiscontinued: false, isLowInventory: false, isAllowed: true}
\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\t\t\t, \n\t\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\n\t\t \n\n\n\n
"14848093":{title: "Zarbee\'s Children\'s Cough Syrup - Grape", isIneligible: false, isDiscontinued: false, isLowInventory: false, isAllowed: true}
\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\n\t \n\n\t\t\n\t}'
double_quotes_in_json = re.compile(r'(?<=:)(\s*"[^"]*)(")([^"]*)(")?(?=[^"]*",|"\s*\})')
def escape_double_quotes(jsn_string, pattern=double_quotes_in_json):
for match in pattern.finditer(jsn_string):
# current pattern only matches 1 instance of either one double quote in JSON value string
# (presumably signifying inches) or 1 instance of phrase wrapped in double quotes
# for something like nicknames
# matches will have either 3 or 4 groups, representing one of the 2 match types described above
groups_matched = len(match.groups())
entire_match = match.group()
if groups_matched == 3:
# we only matched one double quote
subbed_match = pattern.sub('$1\\$2$3', entire_match)
jsn_string = re.sub(entire_match, subbed_match, jsn_string)
elif groups_matched == 4:
# we matched a phrase wrapped in double quotes
subbed_match = pattern.sub('$1\\$2$3\\$4', entire_match)
jsn_string = re.sub(entire_match, subbed_match, jsn_string)
return jsn_string
"16263505":{title: "Nosefrida "The Snotsucker" Nasal Aspirator"
"16263505":{title: "The Snotsucker"' Nasal Aspirator"
编辑1: 我的正则表达式可以取出未转义的引号,但是将它重新加入并不符合预期,我可能在这里做了一些愚蠢的事情并且可以使用一双新鲜的眼睛。
low_inventory = response.xpath(
'//script[contains(., "islistEligibility") or contains(., "ishlistEligibility")]/text()'
In [453]: for m in double_quotes_in_json.finditer(low_inventory):
...: groups_matched = len(m.groups())
...: print('groups: ', m.groups())
...: entire_match = m.group()
...: print('entire match: ', m.group())
...: if groups_matched == 3:
...: # we only matched a single double quote
...: subbed_match = double_quotes_in_json.sub(r'$1\\$2$3', entire_match)
...: print('subbed3: ', subbed_match)
...: jsn_string = re.sub(entire_match, subbed_match, jsn_string)
...: elif groups_matched == 4:
...: subbed_match = double_quotes_in_json.sub(r'$1\\$2$3\\\$4', entire_match)
...: print('subbed4: ', subbed_match)
...: jsn_string = re.sub(entire_match, subbed_match, jsn_string)
...: print(jsn_string)
groups: (' "Nosefrida ', '"', 'The Snotsucker', '"')
entire match: "Nosefrida "The Snotsucker"
subbed4: "Nosefrida "The Snotsucker"
{ "16241885":{"title": "Nosefrida Fridababy Windi Gas & Colic Relief", "isIneligible": false, "isDiscontinued": false, "isLowInventory": false, "isAllowed": true}, "8650356":{"title": "Babyganics Face- Hand & Baby Wipes- Fragrance Free- 100 Count", "isIneligible": false, "isDiscontinued": false, "isLowInventory": false, "isAllowed": true}, "16249889":{"title": "Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator Replacement Filters", "isIneligible": false, "isDiscontinued": false, "isLowInventory": false, "isAllowed": true}, "8650355":{"title": "Babyganics Face- Hand & Baby Wipes- Fragrance Free- 40 Count", "isIneligible": false, "isDiscontinued": false, "isLowInventory": false, "isAllowed": true}, "15490928":{"title": "BabyGanics Newborn Ultra Absorbent Jumbo Size Diapers - 36 Count", "isIneligible": false, "isDiscontinued": false, "isLowInventory": false, "isAllowed": true}, "14712536":{"title": "Marvel Superhero Bandages", "isIneligible": false, "isDiscontinued": false, "isLowInventory": false, "isAllowed": true}, "16263505":{"title": "The Snotsucker"' Nasal Aspirator", "isIneligible": false, "isDiscontinued": false, "isLowInventory": false, "isAllowed": true}, "14848093":{"title": "Zarbee's Children's Cough Syrup - Grape", "isIneligible": false, "isDiscontinued": false, "isLowInventory": false, "isAllowed": true} }
答案 0 :(得分:0)
由于某种原因,使用pythons builtin替换函数实现了所需的结果,而re.sub没有正确地逃避双引号。 (这是使用带有单个转义的原始字符串中的组引用或具有双转义的常规字符串)。无论哪种方式,这是工作功能。如果有人对于为什么使用替换工作有一些了解re.sub我会非常感兴趣的原因。
double_quotes_in_json = re.compile(r'(?<=:)(\s*")([^"]*)(")([^"]*)(")?(?=[^"]*",|"\s*\})')
def escape_double_quotes(jsn_string, pattern=double_quotes_in_json):
for match in pattern.finditer(jsn_string):
# current pattern only matches 1 instance of either one double quote in JSON value string
# (presumably signifying inches) or 1 instance of phrase wrapped in double quotes
# for something like nicknames
# matches will have either 3 or 4 groups, representing one of the 2 match types described above
num_groups_matched = len(match.groups())
groups = match.groups()
entire_match = match.group()
print('groups: ', match.groups())
print('entire: ', entire_match)
if num_groups_matched == 4:
# we only matched one double quote
# subbed_match = pattern.sub('$1$2\\$3$4', entire_match)
# jsn_string = re.sub(entire_match, subbed_match, jsn_string)
target = ''.join(groups[1:4])
replaced = target.replace('"', '\\"')
jsn_string = jsn_string.replace(target, replaced)
elif num_groups_matched == 5:
# we matched a phrase wrapped in double quotes
# subbed_match = pattern.sub('$1$2\\$3$4\\$5', entire_match)
# jsn_string = re.sub(entire_match, subbed_match, jsn_string)
target = ''.join(groups[1:])
replaced = target.replace('"', '\\"')
jsn_string = jsn_string.replace(target, replaced)
return jsn_string
double_quotes_in_title_attr = re.compile(
def escape_double_quotes_in_title(jsn_string, pattern=double_quotes_in_title_attr):
for match in pattern.finditer(jsn_string):
target = match.group('value')
replaced = target.replace('"', '\\"')
jsn_string = jsn_string.replace(target, replaced)
return jsn_string
# use this first to properly quote keys so the above pattern will match
unquoted_key_pattern = re.compile(r'(?!")(\'?(?P<key>\w+)\'?)(?=:\s*(?:"|false|true|\d|\[|\{))')
def fix_json_keys(jsn, pattern=unquoted_key_pattern):
return pattern.sub(r'"\g<key>"', jsn)