
时间:2016-09-06 22:03:07

标签: vba excel-vba excel


Dim List1 As New Collection
Dim List2 As New Collection

With List1
    .Add "Soap"
    .Add "Toothbrush"
    .Add "Toothpaste"
    .Add "Showercap"
    .Add "Shampoo"
End With

With List2
    .Add "Toothbrush"
    .Add "Toothapste"
    .Add "Shampoo"
End With



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Dim list1 As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim list2 As New Scripting.Dictionary

With list1
    .Add "Soap", vbNull
    .Add "Toothbrush", vbNull
    .Add "Toothpaste", vbNull
    .Add "Showercap", vbNull
    .Add "Shampoo", vbNull
End With

With list2
    .Add "Toothbrush", vbNull
    .Add "Toothpaste", vbNull
    .Add "Shampoo", vbNull
End With

Dim differences As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim key As Variant
For Each key In list1.Keys
    If Not list2.Exists(key) Then differences.Add key, vbNull

For Each key In list2.Keys
    If Not list1.Exists(key) Then differences.Add key, vbNull

For Each key In differences
    Debug.Print key

注意 - 这需要引用“Microsoft Scripting Runtime”。你可以从菜单中添加一个带有Tools-> References ...,然后找到它并选中它旁边的复选框。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


1)创建一个函数来查看该项是否存在 2)然后通过循环检查每个集合 3)如果找不到,则添加到第3个集合


Sub test()

Dim List1 As New Collection
Dim List2 As New Collection
Dim List3 As New Collection

With List1
    .Add "Soap"
    .Add "Toothbrush"
    .Add "Toothpaste"
    .Add "Showercap"
    .Add "Shampoo"
End With

With List2
    .Add "Toothbrush"
    .Add "Toothpaste"
    .Add "Shampoo"
End With

For Each Item In List1
    If Not Exists(List2, Item) Then
        List3.Add (Item)
    End If

For Each Item In List2
    If Not Exists(List1, Item) Then
        List3.Add (Item)
    End If

End Sub

Public Function Exists(col As Collection, key As Variant) As Boolean
    Exists = False

    For Each elm In col
        If key = elm Then
            Exists = True
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

答案 2 :(得分:0)

假设(根据你的例子)集合元素是String s,我建议你使用以下“开箱即用”的方法:


Option Explicit

Sub Main()
    Dim List1 As New Collection
    Dim List2 As New Collection
    Dim List3 As Collection

    With List1
        .Add "Soap"
        .Add "Toothbrush"
        .Add "Toothpaste"
        .Add "Showercap"
        .Add "Shampoo"
    End With

    With List2
        .Add "Toothbrush"
        .Add "Toothpaste"
        .Add "Shampoo"
    End With

    Set List3 = GetDifferenceList(List1, List2)

End Sub

Function GetDifferenceList(List1 As Collection, List2 As Collection) As Collection
    Dim list1Strng As String
    Dim c As New Collection
    Dim elem As Variant

    list1Strng = GetListString(List1)
    For Each elem In List2
        list1Strng = Replace(list1Strng, "|" & CStr(elem) & "|", "|")
    Next elem
    list1Strng = Replace(list1Strng, "||", "|")
    list1Strng = Mid(list1Strng, 2, Len(list1Strng) - 2)

    For Each elem In Split(list1Strng, "|")
      c.Add elem
    Next elem

    Set GetDifferenceList = c
End Function

Function GetListString(List As Collection) As String
    Dim elem As Variant

    For Each elem In List
        GetListString = GetListString & CStr(elem) & "|"
    Next elem
    GetListString = "|" & GetListString
    GetListString = Replace(GetListString, "||", "|")
End Function