
时间:2016-09-04 16:54:37

标签: javascript html string function url






网络开发世界有什么共同之处吗? :)

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



答案 1 :(得分:2)


  • # param可以包含除数字之外的其他字符
  • id后跟#
  • 时,避免替换片段var str = 'https://www.foo.com/bar?trump=15&hilarry=es&id=961607some1454text#fragment', newId = 1, replaced = str.replace(/\bid=[^&#]+/g, "id=" + newId); console.log(replaced); // "https://www.foo.com/bar?trump=15&hilarry=es&id=1#fragment"
$(".submit").on("click", function(e) {
  var first=$("#first").val();
  var last=$("#last").val();
  var email=$("#email").val();
  var comments=$("#comments").val();
  var txt1="Welcome " +first+" "+last;
  var txt2="Your Email is " +email;
  var txt3="Your Message is "+ comments;

答案 2 :(得分:1)


function(newValue,url) {
   return url;

答案 3 :(得分:0)


var exampleStrng ='trump=15&id=9616071454&hilarry=es'; // this is an example query string.
   var urlQry = window.document.location.search.substring(1); // you can use this in live code to get the query string.

// reusable function for split in text.
function strSpliter( str, splitVal ){
   return str.split(splitVal);

 // function to reassign query parameter values.
function changQry(qry, setParam, chngVal){
var pnt = strSpliter(qry, '&'),//use the spliter function to change the query into an array split on the '&' character.
newQryArr = [],  // a temp array to hold the new parameters and their value.
newQry = '',// this will be the string where the query parameters and values are reconstructed into a string.
newQryStr = '';// this will be the query with the new value.

pnt.forEach( function( item, idx ){
var param = strSpliter(item, '=');  //use the spliter function to split the parameter and their value.

 // checks the parameter against the one you want to change.
if( param[0] === setParam ){
   param[1] = chngVal;// assigns the new value to the parameter. 

   newQryArr.push(param.join('=')); // rejoins the parameter and its value and pushes it into the temp array.
} else {
   newQryArr.push(param.join('='));// rejoins the parameter and its value and pushes it into the temp array.

newQry = newQryArr.join('&');// rejoins all the parameters and their values.
newQryStr = '?' + newQry;// creates the new query string.

 return newQryStr; // returns the new search query string.


  changQry(exampleStrng, 'id', 77777745);


var urlQry = window.document.location.search.substring(1);

function strSpliter( str, splitVal ){
   return str.split(splitVal);

function changQry(qry, setParam, chngVal){
    var pnt = strSpliter(qry, '&'),
           newQryArr = [],
           newQry = '',
           newQryStr = '';

pnt.forEach( function( item, idx ){
   var param = strSpliter(item, '=');

   if( param[0] === setParam ){
      param[1] = chngVal;
   } else {

   newQry = newQryArr.join('&');
   newQryStr = '?' + newQry;
   return newQryStr;

  changQry(urlQry, 'id', 77777745);