我有一个6人足球队的数据库可以追溯到10年后相当规范,所以我可以从中为球员提取大量的数据,例如比赛次数,进球数,球员每场比赛的平均得分数等等 我想为序列添加一个新的统计页面,例如最长连续的守门员连续干净表,团队连续获胜的最长时间,连续游戏中最长的得分等。 重要的桌子是'固定装置'(包括夹具,得分,得分)和'玩'(包含其他玩家,夹具,守门员)。所以要看看谁在夹具128中得分我会用
SELECT playerid, goalsscored
FROM played p
WHERE p.fixtureid = 128 AND goalsscored > 0
那么我将如何形成一个查询,显示哪个球员在大多数连续比赛中得分,例如亚历克斯(球员15)连续6场比赛得分(固定比赛126-132)和戴夫(球员12)连续5场比赛得分(固定比赛130) -135)?最初我们可以假设fixtureid是顺序的而没有中断,并且是游戏的播放顺序。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Create an List of keyvalue pairs 'CompletedSequences' - key=playerid, value=consecutivagamesscored
Create a similar List of keyvalue pairs 'CurrentSequences'
Select the list of fixtures ordered by date, omitting postponed
For each fixtureid {
For each kv pair in CurrentSequences {
If playerid didn't score in this fixture { /* End of sequence for this kv */
Add kv pair to CompletedSequences if count > 1 /* Only bother saving those with at least 2 in a sequence */
Remove kv pair from CurrentSequences
For each scorer in this fixture {
If playerid key exists in CurrentSequences increment count /* Add 1 to sequence */
else create new CurrentSequences kv pair with playerid/1 /* Create new start of sequence for this player */
For each kv pair in CurrenSequences /* Finish off the ones left unterminated */
Add kv pair to CompletedSequences if value > 1
Sort CompletedSequencies by value (consecutive games scored)
Make a table of the top 10 sequences with player/count of consecutive games scored.