在c ++中重载operator +, - ,*,/时出错

时间:2016-09-02 14:33:47

标签: c++ class operator-overloading overloading



class complex{
    double real; //real part of complex
    double imag; // imaginary part of complex
    complex(double r=0., double i=0.):real(r),imag(i)
    } // constructor with initialization
    complex(const complex&c):real(c.real),imag(c.imag)
    } // copy constructor with initialization
    } // destructor
    double re() const
        return real;
    } // read real part
    double im() const
        return imag;
    } // read imaginary part
    const complex& operator=(const complex&c)
        return *this;
    } //assignment operator
    const complex& operator+=(const complex&c)
        real += c.real;
        imag += c.imag;
        return *this;
    } // addition of current complex
    const complex& operator-=(const complex&c)
        real -= c.real;
        imag -= c.imag;
        return *this;
    } // subtract from current complex
    const complex& operator*=(const complex&c)
        double keepreal = real;
        real = real*c.real-imag*c.imag;
        imag = keepreal*c.imag+imag*c.real;
        return *this;
    } // multiply current complex with a complex
    const complex& operator/=(double d)
        real /= d;
        imag /= d;
        return *this;
    } // divide current complex with real
    void print(const complex&c)
        printf("(%f,%f)\n",c.re(),c.im() );
    } // printing complex number
    friend complex operator !(const complex& c)
        return complex(c.re(),-c.im());
    friend double abs2(const complex& c)
        return c.re()*c.re()+c.im()*c.im();
    } // absolute value of complex
    const complex& operator/=(const complex&c)
        return *this *= (!c)/=abs2(c);
    } // divide the current complex by a complex
    const complex operator-(const complex& c)
        return complex(-c.re(),-c.im());
    } // negative of complex number
    const complex operator-(const complex& c,const complex& d)
        return complex(c.re()-d.re(),c.im()-d.im());
    } // difference between complex numbers
    const complex operator+(const complex& c,const complex& d)
        return complex(c.re()+d.re(),c.im()+d.im());
    } // addition of complex numbers
    const complex operator*(const complex& c,const complex& d)
        return complex(c)*=d;
    } // multiplication of complex numbers
    const complex operator/(const complex& c,const complex& d)
        return complex(c)/=d;
    } // division of complex numbers

int main(){
    complex c(1.,0.),d(3.,4.);
    return 0;


complex_nums.cpp:76:59: error: ‘const complex complex::operator-(const complex&, const complex&)’ must take either zero or one argument
  const complex operator-(const complex& c,const complex& d)
complex_nums.cpp:80:59: error: ‘const complex complex::operator+(const complex&, const complex&)’ must take either zero or one argument
  const complex operator+(const complex& c,const complex& d)
complex_nums.cpp:84:59: error: ‘const complex complex::operator*(const complex&, const complex&)’ must take either zero or one argument
  const complex operator*(const complex& c,const complex& d)
complex_nums.cpp:88:59: error: ‘const complex complex::operator/(const complex&, const complex&)’ must take exactly one argument
  const complex operator/(const complex& c,const complex& d)
complex_nums.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
complex_nums.cpp:96:11: error: ‘print’ was not declared in this scope
complex_nums.cpp:97:9: error: no match for ‘operator/’ (operand types are ‘complex’ and ‘complex’)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

所有运算符(AppTheme)只需要一个或不需要参数,除非它们是友元函数。将所有<item name="android:fastScrollTextColor">@color/apptheme_color</item> //this is used for the color of the Alphabetical Fast scrollView <item name="android:fastScrollPreviewBackgroundRight">@drawable/bg_default_focused_holo_light</item> //this is the image or and drawable file you want to set on Alphabetical Fast scrollView 函数标记为+,-,*,/,代码应该有效。否则,从每个运算符中消除1个参数,而不是使用当前实例(operator)。已删除参数的friend运算符示例:




你在使用const complex operator+(const complex& c) { return complex(c.re()+re(),c.im()+im()); } 功能做什么?它应该在全局范围内,因为它需要friend作为参数。将print()移出全局范围,就像这样。如果您仍想为对象本身保留complex,请执行此操作,但您的课程应如下所示:


答案 1 :(得分:1)





struct complex
 /* ... */ 
// class definition ends

//free function
inline complex operator/(const complex& c,const complex& d)
    return complex(c)/=d;
} // division of complex numbers


inline complex operator/(complex c,const complex& d)
    c /= d;
    return c;

此外,一元运算符应返回complex&,而不是const complex&。你返回的东西是可变的,因为你只是改变了它。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

对于运算符must take either zero or one argument的错误,这是因为您将非成员函数实现为成员函数。这些应该是自由函数才能正常工作,或者只应该使用一个参数并使用this作为另一个参数。


Operator overloading : member function vs. non-member function?

