Split the list when duplicate is found scala

时间:2016-08-31 17:29:10

标签: list scala split duplicates

I have a list of elements in Scala and I am looking for a way to split the list when a duplicate is found.

For example: List(x,y,z,e,r,y,g,a) would be converted to List(List(x,y,z,e,r),List(y,g,a)) or List(x,y,z,x,y,z) to List(x,y,z), List(x,y,z) and List(x,y,z,y,g,x) to List(x,y,z), List(y,g,x)

Is there a more efficient way than iterating and and cheking for every element separately?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

Quick and dirty O(n) using O(n) additional memory:

import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

val list = List("x", "y", "z", "e", "r", "y", "g", "a", "x", "m", "z")

var result = new ListBuffer[ListBuffer[String]]()
var partition = new ListBuffer[String]()

list.foreach { i => 
    if (partition.contains(i)) {
        result += partition
        partition = new ListBuffer[String]()
    partition += i

if (partition.nonEmpty) {
    result += partition

ListBuffer(ListBuffer(x, y, z, e, r), ListBuffer(y, g, a, x, m, z))

答案 1 :(得分:2)


  • 我没有就性能问题提出索赔,但我认为它比O(n^2)更好,后者是蛮力。
  • 这是假设您在找到重复内容时进行拆分,其中重复的内容是'意味着在之前的分裂中存在的东西'。我只是通过检查最后一段来作弊。原因是我认为它澄清了如何使用foldLeft一点,这是一种自然的方式。
  • 这里的一切都是相反的,但维持秩序。这可以很容易地纠正,但会增加额外的O(n)(累积)调用,实际上可能并不需要(取决于您使用它做了什么)。


def partition(ls: List[String]): List[ListSet[String]] = {
  ls.foldLeft(List(ListSet.empty[String]))((partitionedLists, elem:String) => {
    if(partitionedLists.head.contains(elem)) {
      ListSet(elem) :: partitionedLists
    } else {
      (partitionedLists.head + elem) :: partitionedLists.tail

// res0: List[scala.collection.immutable.ListSet[String]] = List(ListSet(r, e, z, y, x), ListSet(a, g, y))



答案 2 :(得分:1)


var xs = List('x','y','z','e','r','y','g','a') 

def splitAtDuplicates[A](splits: List[List[A]], right: List[A]): List[List[A]] = 
  if (right.isEmpty)// done
  else if (splits.head contains right.head) // need to split here
    splitAtDuplicates(List()::splits, right)
  else // continue building current sublist
    splitAtDuplicates((right.head :: splits.head)::splits.tail, right.tail)


def splitAtDuplicatesOptimised[A](seen: Set[A], 
                                  splits: List[List[A]],
                                  right: List[A]): List[List[A]] = 
  if (right.isEmpty)
  else if (seen(right.head))
     splitAtDuplicatesOptimised(Set(), List() :: splits, right)
    splitAtDuplicatesOptimised(seen + right.head,
                              (right.head :: splits.head) :: splits.tail, 

答案 3 :(得分:0)

You will basically need to iterate with a look-up table. I can provide help with the follwoing immutable and functional tailrec implementation.

import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet    
import scala.annotation.tailrec

val list = List("x","y","z","e","r","y","g","a", "x", "m", "z", "ll")

def splitListOnDups[A](list: List[A]): List[List[A]] = {
  def _split(list: List[A], cList: List[A], hashSet: HashSet[A], lists: List[List[A]]): List[List[A]] = {
    list match {
      case a :: Nil if hashSet.contains(a) => List(a) +: (cList +: lists)
      case a :: Nil => (a +: cList) +: lists
      case a :: tail if hashSet.contains(a) => _split(tail, List(a), hashSet, cList +: lists)
      case a :: tail => _split(tail, a +: cList, hashSet + a, lists)

  _split(list, List[A](), HashSet[A](), List[List[A]]()).reverse.map(_.reverse)

def splitListOnDups2[A](list: List[A]): List[List[A]] = {
  def _split(list: List[A], cList: List[A], hashSet: HashSet[A], lists: List[List[A]]): List[List[A]] = {
    list match {
      case a :: Nil if hashSet.contains(a) => List(a) +: (cList +: lists)
      case a :: Nil => (a +: cList) +: lists
      case a :: tail if hashSet.contains(a) => _split(tail, List(a), HashSet[A](), cList +: lists)
      case a :: tail => _split(tail, a +: cList, hashSet + a, lists)

  _split(list, List[A](), HashSet[A](), List[List[A]]()).reverse.map(_.reverse)

// List[List[String]] = List(List(x, y, z, e, r), List(y, g, a), List(x, m), List(z, ll))

// List[List[String]] = List(List(x, y, z, e, r), List(y, g, a, x, m, z, ll))