I have a C++ application where I need to retrieve the locale of the current user. How can I do it with OSX Yosemite and newer?
I've tried something like setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL);
but it just returns UTF-8
where my system is clearly in Spanish (es_AR)
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After some try and error and lot of help from internet and other questions I did it.
If I want to get only the language.
CFLocaleRef cflocale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
CFStringRef value = (CFStringRef)CFLocaleGetValue(cflocale, kCFLocaleLanguageCode);
std::string str(CFStringGetCStringPtr(value, kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
This way, at str I'll get a std::string with the language. If I need something else, I can replace kCFLocaleLanguageCode
with any other constant from CFLocale
Also I needed the header #import <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>