在android studio中,当我们构建项目时,有两个选项可用于构建项目:
设置 - >构建工具 - > Gradle->项目级设置
第一个选项是"使用默认的gradle包装" ,第二个选项是"使用本地gradle分发"
答案 0 :(得分:16)
You can read about Gradle Wrapper in the official user guide.
The main thing about the wrapper - it cares about the Gradle version used to build your project. So, if one has configured the project to use a wrapper, then everyone will build it with the same version of Gradle. The version of Gradle could be specified in the configuration file called gradle-wrapper.properties
One more important thing is that Gradle distribution will be included in your project and if someone will try to build it, no local Gradle installation will be needed.
But if you choose use local gradle distribution, then your project will be built with the version of Gradle you have currently installed and it doesn't guarantees, that your project will be built correctly, since Gradle version may differ.
I don't think, that time is different for this two cases, but wrapper usage seems to be preferable. Sure, in this case, you have to store wrapper distribution in your version control system, but you can set build tool version exactly used to build your project and make no one install Gradle manually if he doesn't have Gradle installed yet.
答案 1 :(得分:5)
I want to add a very important point to the Stanislav's answer. Gradle could be used not only for building your project from Android Studio, but also the from command line. This is especially important if you want to build it in CI environment. In that case, you don't need to care about specific gradle version on your server. The project will be built with the same version for both IDE and CI and this will make your build stable and predictable.