
时间:2016-08-28 12:01:11

标签: python algorithm

我试图解决Hackerrank挑战Game of Stones,其中一个(缩短的)问题陈述将在下面复制。

enter image description here


# The lines below are for the Hackerrank submission
# T = int(raw_input().strip())
# ns = [int(raw_input().strip()) for _ in range(T)]

T = 8
ns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]

legal_moves = [2, 3, 5]

def which_player_wins(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return "Second"               # First player loses
    elif n in legal_moves:
        return "First"                # First player wins immediately
        next_ns = map(lambda x: n - x, legal_moves)
        next_ns = filter(lambda x: x >= 0, next_ns)
        next_n_rewards = map(which_player_wins, next_ns)      # Reward for opponent
        if any(map(lambda x: x=="Second", next_n_rewards)):            # Opponent enters a losing position
            return "First"
            return "Second"

for n in ns:
    print which_player_wins(n)


enter image description here


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)





答案 1 :(得分:2)



  1. 将第一个else之后的所有代码转换为返回“First”或“Second”的函数next_move(n)

  2. 添加memoize(f)函数,该函数将next_move(n),如果已经计算了n的结果,则避免递归调用。

  3. @memoize定义之前添加装饰线next_move

  4. 结果代码:

    T = 8
    ns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]
    legal_moves = [2, 3, 5]
    def memoize(f):
        memo = {}
        def helper(x):
            if x not in memo:
                memo[x] = f(x)
            return memo[x]
        return helper
    def next_move(n):
        next_ns = map(lambda x: n - x, legal_moves)
        next_ns = filter(lambda x: x >= 0, next_ns)
        next_n_rewards = map(which_player_wins, next_ns)  # Reward for opponent
        if any(map(lambda x: x == "Second", next_n_rewards)):  # Opponent enters a losing position
            return "First"
            return "Second"
    def which_player_wins(n):
        if n <= 1:
            return "Second"               # First player loses
        elif n in legal_moves:
            return "First"                # First player wins immediately
            return next_move(n)
    for n in ns:
        print which_player_wins(n)

    这极大地加快了计算速度并降低了所需的递归水平。在我的计算机上,n = 100在0.8毫秒内解决。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

按照Rory Daulton的建议使用动态编程,我重写了which_player_wins方法,如下所示:

# The lines below are for the Hackerrank submission
# T = int(raw_input().strip())
# ns = [int(raw_input().strip()) for _ in range(T)]

T = 8
ns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]

def which_player_wins(n):
    moves = [2, 3, 5]
    table = {j:"" for j in range(n+1)}
    table[0] = "Second"     # If it is the first player's turn an no stones are on the table, the second player wins
    table[1] = "Second"     # No legal moves are available with only one stone left on the board

    for i in range(2,n+1):
        next_n = [i - move for move in moves if i - move >= 0]
        next_n_results = [table[k] for k in next_n]
        if any([result == "Second" for result in next_n_results]):
            table[i] = "First"
            table[i] = "Second"

    return table[n]

for n in ns:
    print which_player_wins(n)


enter image description here