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需要指出的一件小事是,我将最初存储在listBox中的 UNFILTERED 记录集存储到表单上的全局变量中。我将文本框设置为具有“onChange”事件触发器并使用它调用下面的函数。我传入列表框,文本框中的用户字符串,以及我为未过滤的记录集创建的全局变量。这是在删除字符时获取原始数据所必需的。
此外,此功能不能很好地处理数字列。我在使用具有numeric数据类型列的Query进行一些测试后意识到了这一点。为了解决这个问题,我设置查询以使用CStr()函数将数字作为字符串返回。对于我们的新手,我只是进入命名查询,找到我的数字列,并将Cstr放在“字段行”中。例如,我有一个名为“Customer Impacted”的数字列。我进入了查询,并在[客户受影响的列]的“字段行”上写了这个:
Function realTimeFilter(ByVal List As Listbox, ByVal userString As String, ByVal staticRecordSet As DAO.Recordset)
'\\\ \\\
'\\\ This Function allows the user to input any string to create a \\\
'\\\ Filter on a given listbox in realtime. \\\
'\\\ \\\
'\\\ The programmer gives this fucntion the listbox of values to filter, \\\
'\\\ The user's input string, and the unfiltered recordset that should be \\\
'\\\ held in a global variable on the form. \\\
'\\\ \\\
'\\\ I personally create a global called baseRecord. Everytime I update \\\
'\\\ the records in the listbox with a new unfiltered set, \\\
'\\\ I clone a copy to baseRecord. This allows \\\
'\\\ the user to delete strings from the filter and regain the old dataset \\\
'\\\ without having to query the data to the box again. \\\
'\\\ \\\
'\\\ enjoy! \\\
'declare variables
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim str() As String
Dim filterStr As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim k As Integer
'adds unfiltered recordset back to listbox and also puts the data into our set for manipulation
Set List.Recordset = staticRecordSet.OpenRecordset
Set rs = List.Recordset
'split the terms
str = Split(userString, ",")
'examine the textbox string after it has been parsed. Determine which set of logic to use:
'first set is for single search criteria. Second block is for multiple search criteria
If (UBound(str) = 0) Then
'loop through the column fields
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
'if not on last column add an "OR" to the end of the filter string. Else cap the string
If ((i < rs.Fields.Count - 2) Or (i = rs.Fields.Count - 2)) Then
filterStr = filterStr & " " & rs.Fields(i).Name & " like '" & Trim(str(0)) & "*' OR "
filterStr = filterStr & " " & rs.Fields(i).Name & " like '" & Trim(str(0)) & "*'"
End If
Next i
'set the filter
rs.Filter = filterStr
'start by enclosing the first logical string
filterStr = "("
'cycle through each word in the array of Strings
For i = LBound(str) To UBound(str)
'cycle through each column name in the recordset
For k = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
'if not the final column add an "OR" at the end of the filter
If ((k < rs.Fields.Count - 2) Or (k = rs.Fields.Count - 2)) Then
filterStr = filterStr & " " & rs.Fields(k).Name & " like '" & Trim(str(i)) & "*' OR "
'if the final column AND string is not the last element add "AND (" to the end of the string to start the next
'portion of logic in the string
ElseIf ((i < UBound(str) And k = rs.Fields.Count - 1)) Then
filterStr = filterStr & " " & rs.Fields(k).Name & " like '" & Trim(str(i)) & "*') AND ("
'if last column and last string in the array, cap the filter string
filterStr = filterStr & " " & rs.Fields(k).Name & " like '" & Trim(str(i)) & "*')"
End If
Next k
'add filter
rs.Filter = filterStr
Next i
End If
'set recordset and refresh the listbox
Set List.Recordset = rs.OpenRecordset
Set rs = Nothing
End Function