答案 0 :(得分:5)
来自Unity docs:
Graphic Raycaster用于对Canvas进行光线投射。该 Raycaster查看画布上的所有Graphics并确定是否有任何 他们被打了。
void Update() {
// Example: get controller's current orientation:
Quaternion ori = GvrController.Orientation;
// If you want a vector that points in the direction of the controller
// you can just multiply this quat by Vector3.forward:
Vector3 vector = ori * Vector3.forward;
// ...or you can just change the rotation of some entity on your scene
// (e.g. the player's arm) to match the controller's orientation
playerArmObject.transform.localRotation = ori;
// Example: check if touchpad was just touched
if (GvrController.TouchDown) {
// Do something.
// TouchDown is true for 1 frame after touchpad is touched.
PointerEventData pointerData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
pointerData.position = Input.mousePosition; // use the position from controller as start of raycast instead of mousePosition.
List<RaycastResult> results = new List<RaycastResult>();
EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(pointerData, results);
if (results.Count > 0) {
//WorldUI is my layer name
if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("WorldUI")){
string dbg = "Root Element: {0} \n GrandChild Element: {1}";
Debug.Log(string.Format(dbg, results[results.Count-1].gameObject.name,results[0].gameObject.name));
//Debug.Log("Root Element: "+results[results.Count-1].gameObject.name);
//Debug.Log("GrandChild Element: "+results[0].gameObject.name);
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Umair M目前的建议没有处理射线来自世界空间并以一定角度行进的事实。
对我而言,即使你的画布位于世界空间,你也不能在某个角度在世界空间中进行GUI光线投射。 This page建议了一种创建非渲染摄影机的技术,使用您想要投射的光线在3D空间中移动它,然后相对于该摄像机进行GUI光线投射。我还没试过,但听起来很有希望。