
时间:2016-08-21 01:53:04

标签: php mysql

我需要帮助,我无法比较来自数据库的循环值。在数据库中我有4行所有这些都显示在一个表中,我有一个包含1,2,4的数组值。我如何比较它,所以我只能显示check属性值为1, 2,4。


 roles    |    level
  bod     |      1
 event    |      2
  htab    |      3
  tab     |      4


  $array_soc = array = (1,2,4); //<-- This is the array that i need to compare
  $sql10 = mysql_query("SELECT * from tbl_event_roles");
    $count = 1;
    $counts = 0;
    $array_level = [];
    while($soc_sqll0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql10)){

        $output .= '<tr>';
        $output .= '<td>'.($soc_sqll0['level'] ==1 ? '
        <div style="float:left;">'.$soc_sqll0['roles'].'</div>
        <div style="float:right; font-size:15px; "><i> (Recommended to have) <i></div> ' : ''.$soc_sqll0['roles'].'').'</td>';
        $output .= '<td style="width:50px;">
        <input type="checkbox" value="'.$count.'"
        '.( $array_level[$counts] == $array_soc[$counts] ? 'checked' : '').' //<-- Here is the problem, i'm trying to compare but i got an error undefined offset 
        id="check_boxs'.$count.'" name="roles_checked_userStaff[]"></td>';
        $output .= '</tr>';

        array_push($array_level, $count);


所以输出应该是这样的 enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您的"#!/bin/bash\n", "cp /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-config.php\n", "sed -i \"s/'database_name_here'/'", { "Ref": "DBName" }, "'/g\" wp-config.php\n", "sed -i \"s/'username_here'/'", { "Ref": "DBUser" }, "'/g\" wp-config.php\n", "sed -i \"s/'password_here'/'", { "Ref": "DBPassword" }, "'/g\" wp-config.php\n", "sed -i \"s/'localhost'/'", { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "DBInstance", "Endpoint.Address" ] }, "'/g\" wp-config.php\n"在循环中有值之前已被使用。 要么初始化$array_level,要么将$array_level[0] = ...放在array_push($array_level, $count);之前。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

查看这段代码,此错误似乎是由于数组$array_soc等于array = (1,2,4);$counts大于2而导致的。

要使用$array_soc[$counts]$counts需要介于0和2之间(数组的位置:array = (1,2,4);)。否则,将发出错误未定义的偏移量。