为什么我的错误会破坏我的程序? C ++

时间:2016-08-20 04:28:03

标签: c++ arrays object invalid-argument

我有一个针对我的c ++类的程序,当我到达程序中的某个点时,由于某种原因它会一直断开。


// This class has overloaded constructors.
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class InventoryItem
   string description; // The item description
   double cost;        // The item cost
   int units;          // Number of units on hand
   int inventoryItemNumber; //Used to sort items from first entered to last
   // Constructor #1
      { // Initialize description, cost, and units.
        description = "";
        cost = 0.0;
        units = 0; }

   // Constructor #2
   InventoryItem(string desc)
      { // Assign the value to description.
        description = desc;

        // Initialize cost and units.
        cost = 0.0;
        units = 0; }

   // Constructor #3
   InventoryItem(string desc, double c, int u)
      { // Assign values to description, cost, and units.
        description = desc;
        cost = c;
        units = u; }

   // Mutator functions
   void setDescription(string d) 
      { description = d; }

   void setCost(double c)
      { cost = c; }

   void setUnits(int u)
      { units = u; }

   // Accessor functions
   string getDescription() const
      { return description; }

   double getCost() const
      { return cost; }

   int getUnits() const
      { return units; }


#include "InventoryItem.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main(){

    InventoryItem item[1000];
    string parsingArray[1000];
    char command;
    ifstream inFile;
    string inFileName;
    //The typecasting variables from string to int,string,double,int

    //other possible integers ROUND 2
    int itemNumber;
    string description;
    double cost;
    int units;

    //possible variables:
    int count = 0;
    int jTracker = 0;
    string parsingArray2[1000];

        cout << "Command: ";
        cin  >> command; cin.ignore(80, '\n');

        if (command == 'a') {
            //Add parts: increase the units value for an existing inventory item.
        else if (command == 'h') {
            //Prints Help Text
            cout << "Supported commands: \n"
                << "                 a    Add parts.\n"
                << "                 h    print Help text.\n"
                << "                 i    Input inventory data from a file.\n"
                << "                 p    Print invetory list.\n"
                << "                 n    New invetory Item.\n"
                << "                 o    Output invetory data to a file.\n"
                << "                 q    quit (end the program).\n"
                << "                 r    Remove Parts.\n"
                << endl;
        else if (command == 'i') {
            //Input inventory data from a file.
                cout << "Enter name of input file: ";
                getline(cin, inFileName);
                if (inFile.fail())

                    cout << "Failed to open file: " << inFileName << "\n\n";


            //write each line to string
            for (int i = 0; inFile; i++) {
                getline(inFile, parsingArray[i], '\n');
                count++;//count will be needed for counting iterations of for loop for InventoryItem object data field completion

            for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                int newLine = 0;
                int num = 0;
                int oldDelimiter = 0, newDelimiter = 0;
                int variable = 0;

                for (int j = jTracker; num < variable; j++) {//jTracker continues to grow through multiple outer "k" loops.
                    newDelimiter = parsingArray[k].find("|", oldDelimiter);      //newDelimiter becomes the further pipe delimiter in the line.
                    parsingArray2[j] = parsingArray[k].substr(oldDelimiter, ((newDelimiter)-oldDelimiter));//the pipe delimited strings are isolated in input2[]
                    oldDelimiter = newDelimiter + 1;//oldDelimiter is set to the next pipe delimiter.

                    variable = parsingArray[k].length();
                    //The following alters variables as needed for the next loop
                    num = newDelimiter;
                    jTracker = (j + 1);
                    newLine = j;

            for(int y = 0; y < count; y++)
                int itemNumber = stoi(parsingArray2[0+(4*y)]);
                string description = parsingArray2[1+(4*y)];
                double costs = stof(parsingArray2[2+(4*y)]);
                int unit = stoi(parsingArray2[3+(4*y)]);

            cout << count << " records loaded to array.\n";

        else if (command == 'p') {

        else if (command == 'j') {

        else if (command == 'o') {

        else if (command == 'q') {
            // Quit.
            cout << "Exit." << endl;
            return 0;
        else if (command == 'r') {

        else {
            // Invalid user input, re-prompted.
            cout << "Invalid command.\n";



我尝试运行该程序,它运行。我输入&#34; i&#34;作为我的命令。它要求输入文件,我使用文件&#34; plumbing.txt&#34;。 Plumbing.txt包含以下以竖线分隔的文本:

2|Water Level Gauge|12.99|30
3|Faucet Repair Kit|4.89|8
4|Teflon Thread Seal Tape (50 ft roll)|3.30|12
5|shutoff valve|6.50|10

输入&#34; plumbing.txt&#34;后,我点击输入,程序程序。



输入输入的文件名: plumbing.txt &#34; 程序中断了。


for(int y = 0; y < count; y++)
                int itemNumber = stoi(parsingArray2[0+(4*y)]);
                string description = parsingArray2[1+(4*y)];
                double costs = stof(parsingArray2[2+(4*y)]);
                int unit = stoi(parsingArray2[3+(4*y)]);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


for (int i = 0; inFile; i++) {
    getline(inFile, parsingArray[i], '\n');
    count++;//count will be needed for counting iterations of for loop for InventoryItem object data field completion


while (getline(inFile, parsingArray[count], '\n')) 

此处,getline将在读取最后一行时设置inFile ifstream的文件结束标志,以便while循环退出。在此count循环之前将while初始化为零,生成的count将正确反映文件中的行数。


for (int j = jTracker; num < variable; j++) {//jTracker continues to grow through multiple outer "k" loops.
    newDelimiter = parsingArray[k].find("|", oldDelimiter);      //newDelimiter becomes the further pipe delimiter in the line.
    parsingArray2[j] = parsingArray[k].substr(oldDelimiter, ((newDelimiter)-oldDelimiter));//the pipe delimited strings are isolated in input2[]
    oldDelimiter = newDelimiter + 1;//oldDelimiter is set to the next pipe delimiter.

    variable = parsingArray[k].length();
    //The following alters variables as needed for the next loop
    num = newDelimiter;
    jTracker = (j + 1);
    newLine = j;

正如其他人所指出的,numvariable在此for循环之前都设置为零,因此永远不会满足条件num < variable。因此,for循环中的代码永远不会执行。同样,这里有一个while循环:

while ((newDelimiter = parsingArray[k].find("|", oldDelimiter)) != std::string::npos) {
    parsingArray2[j] = parsingArray[k].substr(oldDelimiter, ((newDelimiter)-oldDelimiter)); //the pipe delimited strings are isolated in input2[]
    oldDelimiter = newDelimiter + 1; //oldDelimiter is set to the next pipe delimiter.
    ++j; // increment j
// get the last token and increment j
parsingArray2[j] = parsingArray[k].substr(oldDelimiter, std::string::npos); //the pipe delimited strings are isolated in input2[]

如果找不到更多分隔符(即find),std::string::npos将返回"|"。在外部 j k循环之前将for初始化为零,此while循环将解析由"|"分隔的所有令牌,但为了最后一个。因此,在while循环之后,我们使用std::string::npos提取最后一个子字符串,表示我们希望所有字符都从oldDelimiter到字符串结尾。请注意,变量newLinenumvariablejTracker都不是必需的。


std::string line;  // don't need parsingArray any more
int j = 0;  // initialize j before looping over file
while (std::getline(inFile, line, '\n')) {
    int oldDelimiter = 0, newDelimiter = 0;
    while ((newDelimiter = line.find("|", oldDelimiter)) != std::string::npos) {
        parsingArray2[j] = line.substr(oldDelimiter, ((newDelimiter)-oldDelimiter)); //the pipe delimited strings are isolated in input2[]
        oldDelimiter = newDelimiter + 1; //oldDelimiter is set to the next pipe delimiter.
        ++j; // increment j
    // get the last token and increment j
    parsingArray2[j] = line.substr(oldDelimiter, std::string::npos); //the pipe delimited strings are isolated in input2[]
    // increment count

,无需外部k for循环。另请注意,不再需要数组parsingArray,因为不再需要存储从一个循环累积的中间结果,以便迭代并在后续循环中使用。


  1. 使用std::vector代替std::stringInventoryItem的固定大小数组。
  2. 声明变量&#34;本地&#34; for reasons discussed in this link
  3. 在设置for的后续item循环中,假设文件中每行只包含四个标记(并且标记正是项目编号(整数) ,描述(字符串),成本(实数)和单位(整数)的顺序)。如果文件不满足此要求(即输入数据错误),以及程序应如何处理所有错误情况,您应该仔细考虑会发生什么。也许该循环中的代码可以合并到嵌套的while循环中,以便在解析文件时可以检测到并正确处理错误?