
时间:2016-08-19 15:54:26

标签: python file




def getDataFromFile(infile):
    Opens a file, processes it by replacing all the \t\t
    with \t'n/a'\t and returns to the user the header of the file,
    and a list of genes.

    with open(infile, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')                              # Open the file with csv.reader so it has a cleaner look to it.
        header = f.readline()                                               # Store header on a variable
        list = [[x if x else 'n/a' for x in line] for line in reader]   # This is done, so we can have 1 universal input. n/a is for non-existent value!
                                                                            # Most databases, don't insert a special character for non-existent
                                                                            # values, they just \t\t it! So be careful with that!
        # With the above approach, we end up with a list of lists 
        # Every column, will have a value and that will be either the one provided by the file
        # or, the "our" special for non-existent attributes, 'NaN'
        header = header.split() # header should be a list of strings.
        return header, geneList

如何修改此行list = [[x if x else 'n/a' for x in line] for line in reader],以便不仅检查'/t/t'并将其替换为'n/a',还会查找其他形式的“不存在”,如{ {1}}(在R中使用)。

我知道这是一个 noob 问题,但我在2周前开始使用Python。我还在学习过程中。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


list = [[x if (x and x not in ["NA","whatever"]) else 'n/a' for x in line] for line in reader]


list = [['n/a' if (x in ["", "NA","whatever"]) else x for x in line] for line in reader]