from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import uuid
import json
import os.path
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as Threadpool
# get data for given url
def getdata(url):
html = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html5lib')
DW704 = soup.find_all('td',{'class':None})
for item1 in DW704:
with open(os.path.join(save_path,'data_'+str(uuid.uuid1())+'.json'),'w') as outfile:
# Main
if'__main__' == __name__:
#makes a list of my urls
pool = Threadpool(25)
pool.map(getdata, urls)
最后我想要一个基本上采用这种格式的文本文件: 110 Type 1,1301 Type 100,1317 Type 100等(每个型号用逗号分隔)。
目前,我收到的错误是"属性错误:' NoneType'对象没有属性' text'"但我确定这不是唯一的问题。我真的很感谢你的帮助!谢谢你们!
答案 0 :(得分:2)
它失败了,因为在某些单元格中没有链接 - item1.find(' a')是None,因此您无法获得" text"它的财产。
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import uuid
import os.path
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as Threadpool
# get data for given url
def getdata(url):
html = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
DW704 = soup.find_all('td',{'class':None})
for item1 in DW704:
if item1.find('a') is not None:
if item1.find('a').text.strip() != "":
with open(os.path.join(save_path,'data_'+str(uuid.uuid1())+'.json'),'w') as outfile:
# Main
if'__main__' == __name__:
#makes a list of my urls
pool = Threadpool(25)
pool.map(getdata, urls)
答案 1 :(得分:2)
您想要的文本位于表的行的第一个td内的锚点内,其中 id customerList ,don抓住页面上的每个td,即使里面有一个带有文本的锚,也绝不意味着它无论如何都与你想要的表或内容有关。:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import io
import requests
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get("http://servicenet.dewalt.com/Parts/Detail/29730").content)
# Get all the specific table rows.
rows = soup.select("#customerList tbody tr")
# use io.open to handle the non ascii.
with io.open("data.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for row in rows:
# get text from first anchor inside the first td
f.write(row.select_one("td a").text + u"\n")
110 Type 1
1301 Type 100
1317 Type 100
1317 Type 101
1317-44 Type 100
1338 Type 100
1339 Type 100
1348 Type 100
1348K Type 100
2214 Type 100
2214-90 Type 101
22810 Type 1
如果你真的想要一行逗号分隔,你可以 str.join 每个元素:
rows = soup.select("#customerList tbody tr")
with io.open("data.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write(u",".join([row.select_one("td a").text for row in rows]))
110 Type 1,1301 Type 100,1317 Type 100,1317 Type 101,1317-44 Type 100,1338 Type 100,1339 Type 100,1348 Type 100,1348K Type 100,2214 Type 100,2214-90 Type 101,22810 Type 1,23802 Type 1,23808-BDK Type 100,24873 Type 1,2610-220 Type 1,2670 Type 100,2670 Type 101,2670G Type 100,2674 Type 100,2674-34 Type 1,2675 Type 100,2675 Type 101,2683 Type 1,2683-220 Type 1,2684 Type 1,2684-34 Type 1,2685 Type 1,2694 Type 1,2695 Type 1,2697 Type 1,2697 Type 2,2698 Type 1,27111 Type 1,27111 Type 2,27126 Type 1,27126 Type 2,27128 Type 1,27128 Type 2,2717 Type 100,2717 Type 101,27182 Type 1,27182 Type 2,27188 Type 1,27513-BDK Type 100,27513-BDK Type 3,27713 Type 1,27997 Type 3,3057 Type 1,3057-44 Type 1,3057-48 Type 1,3060 Type 1,3064 Type 1,3064-44 Type 1,3103 Type 100,3103 Type 101,3104 Type 100,3105 Type 100,3105 Type 101,3105K Type 101,3105K Type 102,3107 Type 100,3107 Type 101,3108 Type 100,3108K Type 100,3110 Type 100,3110K Type 100,3110K Type 101,3110KG Type 100,3660 Type 1,3660 Type 2,3660 Type 3,3680 Type 1,3680 Type 2,3680 Type 3,4252 Type 100,4255 Type 100,4267 Type 1,4292 Type 1,5036 Type 100,5036K Type 100,5321 Type 100,6101 Type 100,6112 Type 100,6112 Type 101,6112-90 Type 100,6124 Type 100,6124 Type 101,6126 Type 100,6127 Type 100,6129 Type 100,6138 Type 100,6138 Type 101,6138 Type 102,6138-34 Type 100,6138-34 Type 102,6513 Type 100,6513 Type 101,6934 Type 100,6940 Type 100,6943 Type 100,6943 Type 101,6943 Type 102,6945 Type 100,6945 Type 101,BD4500 Type 1,DW120K Type 1,DW130 Type 1,DW130 Type 2,DW130 Type 3,DW130-220 Type 2,DW130-220 Type 3,DW140 Type 1,DW140 Type 2,DW142 Type 1,DW142 Type 2,DW290 Type 1,DW290 Type 2,DW290-220 Type 1,DW290-B2 Type 1,DW290-BR Type 1,DW290G Type 1,DW290K Type 2,DW291 Type 1,DW291 Type 2,DW291-B2 Type 1,DW291-B3 Type 1,DW296 Type 1,DW296 Type 2,DW304K Type 1,DW304K Type 2,DW304K-35 Type 1,DW304K-35 Type 2,DW304K-44 Type 1,DW305K Type 1,DW305K Type 2,DW306K Type 1,DW306K Type 2,DW306K220 Type 2,DW306KG Type 2,DW352-AR Type 2,DW352-AR Type 3,DW352-AR Type 4,DW352-B2 Type 1,DW352-B2 Type 2,DW352-B2 Type 3,DW352-B2 Type 4,DW352-B3 Type 1,DW352-B3 Type 2,DW352-B3 Type 3,DW352-B3 Type 4,DW352-BR Type 2,DW352-BR Type 3,DW352-BR Type 4,DW357 Type 1,DW358 Type 1,DW358-35 Type 1,DW358-44 Type 1,DW359 Type 1,DW359 Type 2,DW359 Type 3,DW359 Type 4,DW359-220 Type 1,DW359-B2 Type 1,DW359-B2 Type 2,DW359-B3 Type 1,DW359-B3 Type 2,DW359K Type 1,DW359K Type 2,DW359K Type 3,DW359K Type 4,DW360 Type 1,DW360 Type 2,DW361 Type 1,DW361 Type 2,DW362 Type 1,DW362 Type 2,DW362 Type 4,DW362K Type 2,DW362K Type 4,DW364 Type 1,DW364 Type 2,DW364 Type 3,DW364 Type 4,DW364 Type 5,DW364 Type 6,DW364K Type 3,DW364K Type 5,DW364K Type 6,DW384 Type 1,DW384 Type 2,DW384 Type 3,DW384 Type 4,DW384 Type 5,DW389-AR Type 1,DW389-B2 Type 1,DW389-B2 Type 2,DW389-B3 Type 1,DW389-B3 Type 2,DW389-BR Type 2,DW704 Type 1,DW704 Type 2,DW704 Type 3,DW704 Type 4,DW704 Type 4A,DW704 Type 5,DW705 Type 1,DW705 Type 2,DW705 Type 3,DW705 Type 4,DW705 Type 4A,DW705 Type 5,DW705 Type 6,DW705 Type 7,DW705 Type 8,DW705-220 Type 1,DW705-220 Type 2,DW705-35 Type 1,DW705-35 Type 2,DW705-35 Type 3,DW705-35 Type 4,DW705-44 Type 1,DW705-44 Type 2,DW705-AR Type 6,DW705-B2 Type 4,DW705-B2 Type 5,DW705-B2 Type 6,DW705-B2 Type 7,DW705-B3 Type 5,DW705-B3 Type 6,DW705-B3 Type 7,DW705-BR Type 7,DW705S Type 5,DW705S Type 6,DW705S Type 7,DW705S Type 8,DW708 Type 1,DW708 Type 3,DW715 Type 1,DW744 Type 1,DW744 Type 2,DW744 Type 3,DW744S Type 2,DW744S Type 3,DW744SB Type 3,DW845 Type 1,DW845 Type 2,DW845 Type 3,DW847 Type 1,DW847 Type 2,DW849 Type 1,DW849 Type 2,DW849 Type 3,DW849-AR Type 1,DW849-AR Type 2,DW849-AR Type 3,DW849-B2 Type 1,DW849-B2 Type 2,DW849-B2 Type 3,DW849-B3 Type 1,DW849-BR Type 1,DW849-BR Type 2,DW849-BR Type 3,DW880 Type 1,DW880 Type 2,DW880 Type 3,DW888 Type 1,DW888 Type 2,DW888 Type 3,DW888-AR Type 3,DW888-B2 Type 3,EP9500 Type 101,EP9500 Type 102,ET1460 Type 1,ET1475 Type 100,ET1475 Type 101,ET1475 Type 102,ET1480 Type 1,ET1490 Type 1,ET1560 Type 1,EW5000 Type 100,G-2610 Type 100,G-2610 Type 101,MT6129 Type 100,MTE33 Type 101,MTE36 Type 101,MTE36 Type 102,Q400 Type 1,Q450 Type 1,Q450K Type 1,Q510 Type 1,Q600 Type 1,QP350K Type 1
答案 2 :(得分:0)
功能中,您不必专注于之后的特定数据,而是抓取所有 td
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
r = requests.get('http://servicenet.dewalt.com/Parts/Detail/29730')
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'lxml')
table = soup.find('table')
for tr in table.find_all('tr'):
Model Number
Parts Diagram
110 Type 1
1301 Type 100