<!-- We'll display the search bar only when the user has access to at least one item, otherwise, hide it. -->
{% if item_info %}
Number of entries: {{ item_info|length }}, nothing? {{item_info}}
<form method="post" action=".">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="text" class="search-query span80" id="search" name="search" placeholder="Enter ItemNo to search">
<button type="submit" class="btn">Search</button>
{% else %}
No item_info.
{% endif%}
def item_info(request):
iteminfo= ItemInfo.objects.all().filter(Q(some_query)
table = ItemInfoTable(iteminfo)
return render(request, 'item_info.html', {'item_info':table,})
import django_tables2 as tables
class ItemInfoTable(tables.Table):
itmno = tables.Column(verbose_name="Item #")
class Meta:
model = ItemInfo
empty_text = "There is no item record."
class ItemInfo(models.Model):
itmno = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=11L, db_column='ItmNo', blank=True)
class Meta:
db_table = 'item_info'
答案 0 :(得分:2)
是{% if item_info.all %}
,请尝试{% if item_info %}
。 __bool__()
方法,因此实例始终被视为import time
from multiprocessing import Pool
def process_frame(frame_id, frame_data):
# this function simulates the processing of the frame.
# I used a longer sleep thinking that it takes longer
# and therefore the reason of parallel processing.
print("..... got frame {}".format(frame_id))
char = frame_data[frame_id]
count = frame_data.count(char)
return frame_id, char, count
def process_result(res):
# this function simulates the function that would receive
# the result from analyzing the frame, and do what is
# appropriate, like printing, making a dict, saving to file, etc.
# this function is called back when the result is ready.
frame_id, char, count = res
print("in frame {}".format(frame_id), \
", character '{}' appears {} times.".format(
chr(char), count))
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool = Pool(4)
# in my laptop I got these times:
# workers, time
# 1 10.14
# 2 5.22
# 4 2.91
# 8 2.61 # no further improvement after 4 workers.
# your case may be different though.
from datetime import datetime as dt
t0 = dt.now()
for i in range(20): # I limited this loop to simulate 20 frames
# but it could be a continuous stream,
# that when finishes should execute the
# close() and join() methods to finish
# gathering all the results.
# The following lines simulate the video streaming and
# your selecting the frames that you need to analyze and
# send to the function process_frame.
frame_id = i
frame_data = b'a bunch of binary data representing your frame'
pool.apply_async( process_frame, #func
(frame_id, frame_data), #args
callback=process_result #return value
print(dt.now() - t0)
。请参阅以下重复的文档的this section中的警告,以防万一此链接将来死亡:
虽然RawQuerySet实例可以像普通法一样迭代 QuerySet,RawQuerySet不实现您可以使用的所有方法 查询集。例如,未定义 bool ()和 len () RawQuerySet,因此所有RawQuerySet实例都被认为是True。 这些方法没有在RawQuerySet中实现的原因是 在没有内部缓存的情况下实现它们将是一种表现 缺点和添加这样的缓存将是向后不兼容的。