如何使用非托管导出从C ++发送函数指针到C#dll以用作回调

时间:2016-08-12 11:36:59

标签: c# c++ interop function-pointers

我正在使用Robert Giesecke的Unmanaged Exports从我的本机C ++应用程序中调用C#managed dll中的函数。我现在需要以某种方式将函数指针从我的C ++应用程序传递给C#dll,以便我的dll可以回调到c ++。这让我很难过。

C ++

//Normal call to CSharp dll using Unmanaged Exports
FString UHostBridgeComponent::DoCallToCCsharp()

  FString filePath = FPaths::Combine(*FPaths::GamePluginsDir(), TEXT("ThirdParty"), TEXT("CSharp.dll")); 

  void *DLLHandle = NULL;
  if (FPaths::FileExists(filePath))
    DLLHandle = FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(*filePath); // Retrieve the DLL.
  if (DLLHandle != NULL)
    _DoTest DLLFuncPtr = NULL;
    FString procName = "DoTest";
    DLLFuncPtr = (_DoTest)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(DLLHandle, *procName);
    if (DLLFuncPtr != NULL)
        const char* result = DLLFuncPtr(false);
        FString output(result);
        return output;
  return "";


    //Function called from C++ application
    [DllExport("DoTest", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static string DoTest(bool result)

        //Do processing

        string result = "this is the result string";
        return result;

我想我在C#中调用函数时需要传递一个指向C ++函数的指针。

const char * result = DLLFuncPtr(pointerToMyFunction);

当C#dll想要将数据发送到c ++应用程序时,该指针必须保存到C#中的变量并作为回调执行。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


C ++

//Function pointer typedef
typedef bool(*functionPointer)(const char* data);

//the actual function that gets pointed to
bool UHostBridgeComponent::realFunction(const char * data)
    FString output(data);
    UE_LOG(LogEGM, Log, TEXT("CALLBACK FUNCTION data= %s"), *output);   
    return true;

//function pointer as variable (not yet pointing to realFunction)
functionPointer myFunc;

//function to call in C# that passes the function pointer
typedef bool(*_DoSendCallbackFunction)(functionPointer callback);

bool UHostBridgeComponent::DoCallbackTest()
    FString filePath = FPaths::Combine(*FPaths::GamePluginsDir(), TEXT("ThirdParty"), TEXT("CSharp.dll")); 

    void *DLLHandle = NULL;
    if (FPaths::FileExists(filePath))
        DLLHandle = FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(*filePath);
    if (DLLHandle != NULL)
        _DoSendCallbackFunction DLLFuncPtr = NULL;
        FString procName = "DoSendCallbackFunction";
        DLLFuncPtr = (_DoSendCallbackFunction)FPlatformProcess::GetDllExport(DLLHandle, *procName);
        if (DLLFuncPtr != NULL)
          myFunc = &realFunction; //point myFunc to the function realFunction
          return DLLFuncPtr(myFunc);            
  return false;


public delegate bool FooDelegate(string data);

    [DllExport("DoSendCallbackFunction", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static bool DoSendCallbackFunction(IntPtr callback)
        FooDelegate myFooDelegate = (FooDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(callback,typeof(FooDelegate));
        string theString = "This is the data!!";

        return true;


LogEGM: CALLBACK FUNCTION data= This is the data!!