select distinct 'Machine Name', v1.[user] 'Primary User', CASE
When v1.Guid in (select distinct v1.guid from vComputer v1
inner join Inv_AddRemoveProgram t1 on v1.Guid = t1._ResourceGuid
inner join Inv_OfficeSuiteVersions3 t2 on v1.guid = t2._ResourceGuid
where t1.DisplayName = 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007' and t1.InstallFlag = '1'
and t2.Outlook2007Ver <> 'Not Present')
Then 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007'
When v1.Guid in (select distinct v1.guid from vComputer v1
inner join Inv_AddRemoveProgram t1 on v1.Guid = t1._ResourceGuid
inner join Inv_OfficeSuiteVersions3 t2 on v1.guid = t2._ResourceGuid
where t1.DisplayName = 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010' and t1.InstallFlag = '1'
and t2.Outlook2010Ver <> 'Not Present')
Then 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010'
When v1.Guid in (select distinct v1.guid from vComputer v1
inner join Inv_AddRemoveProgram t1 on v1.Guid = t1._ResourceGuid
inner join Inv_OfficeSuiteVersions4 t2 on v1.guid = t2._ResourceGuid
where t1.DisplayName = 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013' and t1.InstallFlag = '1'
and t2.Outlook2013Ver <> 'Not Present')
Then 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013'
When v1.Guid in (select distinct v1.guid from vComputer v1
inner join Inv_AddRemoveProgram t1 on v1.Guid = t1._ResourceGuid
inner join Inv_OfficeSuiteVersions5 t2 on v1.guid = t2._ResourceGuid
where t1.DisplayName like 'Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus%' and t1.InstallFlag = '1'
and Outlook2016Ver <> 'Not Present')
Then 'Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus'
End [Office Version], v2.[Location by Subnet] 'Location'
from vComputer v1
inner join vcomputerlocations v2 on v1.Guid = v2.Guid
and v1.Name like 'USSD%'
and v1.Guid not in (select Guid from CollectionMembership where FilterName = 'Software Delivery Exclusions')
or v1.Name like 'USSF%'
and v1.Guid not in (select Guid from CollectionMembership where FilterName = 'Software Delivery Exclusions')
or v1.Name like 'USSEA%'
and v1.Guid not in (select Guid from CollectionMembership where FilterName = 'Software Delivery Exclusions')
or v1.Name like 'USBES%'
and v1.Guid not in (select Guid from CollectionMembership where FilterName = 'Software Delivery Exclusions')
or v1.Name like 'USCAM%'
and v1.Guid not in (select Guid from CollectionMembership where FilterName = 'Software Delivery Exclusions')
order by 3,4,1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
从查询结尾处删除订单,并在需要时对其进行排序 你的申请。
如果可以,您应该重写此查询,因为它无法使用 联接的索引 - &gt;使用“USSF%”等过滤器时,SQL引擎无法使用索引。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
考虑使用Common Table Expressions, Temp Tables or Table Variables进行重复操作,并假设各种Guids是主键,请尝试使用它们的值而不是显示或过滤器名称列。
SELECT v1.Guid, v1.Name, v1.[user], t1.DisplayName from vComputer v1
INNER JOIN Inv_AddRemoveProgram t1 on v1.Guid = t1._ResourceGuid
INNER JOIN Inv_OfficeSuiteVersions3 t2 on v1.Guid = t2._ResourceGuid
WHERE t1.InstallFlag = '1'
(t1.PrimaryKey = '2007 PrimaryKey Value' AND t2.Outlook2007Ver <> 'Not Present')
((t1.PrimaryKey = '2010 PrimaryKey Value' AND t2.Outlook2010Ver <> 'Not Present') --etc etc
b AS
SELECT Guid FROM CollectionMembership WHERE FilterName = 'Software Delivery Exclusions'
) -- would be better to search by primary key
SELECT a.*, v2.[Location by Subnet]
FROM a INNER JOIN vcomputerlocations v2 on a.Guid = v2.Guid
LEFT JOIN b ON a.Guid = b.Guid