def move(self, tile):
"""Move the object to a tile.
That means: unlink the piece from its current tile and link it
to the new tile.
Raise CharacterIsNotOnATileError if piece didn't already
have an associated tile, CharacterIsNotOnThisBoardError if
the destinity tile is not on the same board as the current tile,
OutOfBoard error if destinity tile is falsey (most probably
this means you're tring to move somewhere outside the map)
if tile.piece is not None:
raise PositionOccupiedError(tile)
if not self.home_tile:
raise PieceIsNotOnATileError
if self.home_tile.board is not tile.board:
raise PieceIsNotOnThisBoardError
if not tile:
raise OutOfBoardError
self.home_tile.piece = None
tile.piece = self
except PositionOcuppiedError:
character.punish # cause i'm in hardcore
except OutOfBoardError:
character.kill # cause we were in a floating world and the
# character just fell off
答案 0 :(得分:3)
但是在Python中,使用异常来执行流控制并不是一种不好的做法(阅读更多"Is it a good practice to use try except else in python")。
此外,请注意,如果放在重复调用的函数中,抛出和检查Python中的异常可能会对性能产生负面影响。除非你正在开发一个拥有数百名玩家的快节奏游戏,否则它不应该是你最关心的问题。您可以阅读有关捕获异常in this topic on Stack Overflow的性能相关问题的更多信息。
就个人而言,作为程序员,我宁愿处理异常(在Python中编程时)而不是错误代码或类似的东西。另一方面,如果将它们作为错误代码给出,则处理各种返回状态并不困难 - 你仍然可以模仿switch-case结构,例如使用例如dictionary with callable handlers as values
答案 1 :(得分:2)
在我看来,抛出异常是告知发生某些错误的更好方法。特别是如果你的函数没有返回任何值。想象一下,每次调用后开发人员都必须检查返回值的类型。它更加清晰。 检查this。