每次调用以下node.js代码时,我都会收到相同的错误。我之前没有在node.js中使用过Author Header,所以我一定做错了。帮助或指出我的文档?代码正在尝试检索“黄色”'在imgur的图书馆。每次我尝试运行它时,我的控制台总是会输出相同的ENOTFOUND错误。
var express = require("express");
var moment = require("moment");
var http = require("http");
var express = require("express");
var moment = require("moment");
var https = require("https");
var mongo = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
var mystatus="";
var app=express();
var imgurClientID = "<my id>";
var imgurClientSecret = "<my client secret>";
var options = {
hostname: 'https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/search?q=yellow',
method: "POST",
Authorization: imgurClientID,
app.get('/home', function(req,res){
var myreq = https.request(options, function(res){
console.log('Status: '+res.statusCode);
console.log('Headers: '+JSON.stringify(res.headers));
res.on('data', function(body){
console.log("Body: "+body);
myreq.on('error', function(e){
console.log("Error!: "+e);
// https.get("https://Client-ID:"+imgurClientID+"@api.imgur.com/3/gallery/search?q=yellow", function(res){
// res.setHeader("Client-ID", imgurClientID);
// var body = "";
// res.on('data', function(chunk){
// body+=chunk;
// });
// res.on('end', function(){
// var imgurRes = JSON.parse(body);
// console.log(imgurRes);
// });
// }).on('error', function(e){
// console.log("Error!: "+e);
// })
app.get('/new/:name*', function(req,res){
//detect if name is a URL
//if it is not a proper http, return 'could not load' status
if (req.params.name.substr(0,4).toLowerCase() != "http")
mystatus = "Could not load";
res.json({url_part1: req.params.name,
url_part2: req.params[0],
status: mystatus
http.get(req.params.name+req.params[0], function(thisres){
var wwwpath = req.params[0].substr(2, req.params[0].length-2);
//do not look for the site unless it returns a 200 status code
if (thisres.statusCode != 200){
loadstatus = "Could not load";
//otherwise, find the site in the MongoDB list!
else {
//indicate that the site is a working URL
loadstatus = "Loaded!";
//prepare the database
mongo.connect("mongodb://dickorydock:$iderHouseRul3z@ds145365.mlab.com:45365/urlrosetta", function(err, db) {
var shorturl = db.collection("shorturl");
//find maximum site number
max_site_number = documents[0]["site_number"];
//look for the site in the existing database
{original_url: wwwpath}
, {_id: 0, original_url: 1,short_url: 1, site_number:1})
//if we found it, no need to add it again -- just return the existing site number
if (documents.length>0){
var sitenumber = documents[0]["site_number"];
//if we didn't find the working URL, add it
else {
var sitenumber = max_site_number + 3;
var newsitejson={original_url: wwwpath, site_number: sitenumber}
//return the info about the short link
res.json({original_url: req.params.name+"://"+wwwpath,
short_url: "http://dickorydock-shorturl.herokuapp.com/"+sitenumber
//if there is an error in finding the site in the URL, return 'could not load' status
.on('error', function(e){
res.json({error: "Not a valid URL - try again."})
app.get('/:shortnum*', function(req,res){
var sitenumber = parseInt(req.params.shortnum);
var siteextra = req.params[0];
if (siteextra.length > 0){
res.json({error: "Not a valid reference - try again."})
else {
mongo.connect("mongodb://dickorydock:$iderHouseRul3z@ds145365.mlab.com:45365/urlrosetta", function(err, db) {
var shorturl = db.collection("shorturl");
//look for the site in the existing database, and either redirect or give an error
{site_number: sitenumber}
, {_id: 0, original_url: 1, site_number:1})
if (documents.length>0){
else if (documents.length == 0){
res.json({error: "Not a valid reference - try again."})
app.listen(8080, function(){
//app.listen(process.env.PORT, function(){
console.log("App listening")
答案 0 :(得分:0)
$USERLIST = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Process -Filter "Name='tsappldr.exe'" -ComputerName "SRUS270137C").getowner().user
ForEach ($computer in $USERLIST) {
$CmdMessage = {C:\windows\system32\msg.exe $computer /v 'Cancel your session'} $CmdMessage | Invoke-Expression
Start-Sleep -m 5 #time-out for 5 minutes
get-process tsappldr, tpedrte | stop-process -force