关键帧动画无法在iOS 8.x上运行

时间:2016-08-07 14:29:20

标签: ios ios8

我正在尝试使用关键帧动画来淡出一系列视图。但它似乎无法在iOS 8上运行。相对的启动延迟没有按预期工作,似乎比预期提前一段时间。但是在iOS 9上它运行得很好。

我认为这与我设置视图的方式有关,但事实证明它在iOS 8中根本不起作用。我一定有些不对劲。


        var item; // item is a file
        var BYTES_PER_CHUNK = 100000;
        var start = 0;
        var temp_end = start + BYTES_PER_CHUNK;
        var end = parseInt(item.size);
        if (temp_end > end) temp_end = end;
        var content = ''; // to be filled by the content of the file
        var uploading_file = item;
console.log('here 1');
        Promise.resolve().then(function() {
console.log('here 2');
            return upload();
console.log('here 4');
            console.log(content); // this is empty (!!)
            console.log('stop 1')

        function upload() {
            if (start < end) {
                var chunk = uploading_file.slice(start, temp_end);
                var reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onload = function(e) {
                    if (e.target.readyState == 2) {
                        content += new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(e.target.result);
                        start = temp_end;
                        temp_end = start + BYTES_PER_CHUNK;
                        if (temp_end > end) temp_end = end;
                        return upload();
            } else {
                uploading_file = null;
                console.log(content); // it shows the content of the file
console.log('here 3');
                return Promise.resolve(content);


但这不适用于iOS 8.x


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