在一个excel实例(实例A)中,我的工作簿(工作簿A)根据用户输入执行计算,并创建带有图表对象的工作表。此工作表被复制并粘贴到另一个工作簿(工作簿B)中,该工作簿在实例A中关闭,然后在第二个Excel实例(实例B)中打开。工作簿B /实例B保持打开并在单独的窗口中,因为工作簿A /实例A的功能是创建要在工作簿B /实例B中查看的工作表。
所以宏过程是:在实例A /工作簿A中创建工作表 - >工作簿B在实例B中关闭 - >工作簿B在实例A中打开 - >工作表从工作簿A复制到工作簿B - >工作簿B在实例A中保存/关闭 - >工作簿B在实例B中打开
Sub CopySSToNewWorkbook()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim MoveFromWkb As Workbook
Dim MoveFromSht As Worksheet
Dim ChartName As String
Dim RngToCover As Range
Dim duplicateChtPic As Shape
Dim NewSheetName As String
Dim TagString As String
If InputPage.Range("PanelTag") <> "" Then TagString = "-" & InputPage.Range("PanelTag").Text
Set MoveFromWkb = ThisWorkbook
'Set MoveFromSht = MoveFromWkb.Sheets("InputPage")
If InputPage.Range("PgNum") <> "" Then
NewSheetName = InputPage.Range("RoomNum").Text & TagString & " (Pg" & InputPage.Range("PgNum") & ")"
Set MoveFromSht = MoveFromWkb.Worksheets(NewSheetName)
NewSheetName = InputPage.Range("RoomNum").Text & TagString
Set MoveFromSht = MoveFromWkb.Worksheets(NewSheetName)
End If
Set RngToCover = MoveFromSht.Range("E19:Y34")
ChartName = "Panel" & InputPage.Range("PgNum")
'Duplicate method
Set duplicateChtPic = MoveFromSht.ChartObjects(ChartName).Duplicate()
duplicateChtPic.ZOrder msoSendToBack
Call DelinkChartFromData
With duplicateChtPic
.height = RngToCover.height ' resize
.Width = RngToCover.Width ' resize
.top = RngToCover.top - 2 ' reposition
.Left = RngToCover.Left - 6 ' reposition
End With
MoveFromSht.Shapes("EditSpoolSheetButton").Visible = msoTrue
MoveFromSht.Shapes("UpdatePageNumberButton").Visible = msoTrue
MoveFromSht.Shapes("DeletePanelButton").Visible = msoTrue
Dim CNumber As String
Dim RelNum As String
Dim CrtNum As String
Dim Percentage As String
Dim SSFolderName As String
Dim Wkbname As String
Dim FileLocation As String
Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim SSCopyYesNo As Integer
Dim DoubleSheet As Boolean
Dim MoveToWkb As Workbook
Dim MoveToSht As Worksheet
Dim PasteSheet As Worksheet
Dim CellName As name
Dim SheetCounter As Integer
SheetCounter = 1
Dim i As Integer
Dim varLinks As Variant
With InputPage
CNumber = .Range("JNumber").Text
CrtNum = "Crt" & .Range("CrateNum").Text
RelNum = "Rel" & .Range("RelNum").Text
Percentage = (.Range("RelPct").value * 100) & "Pct"
End With
If CNumber <> "" Then
Wkbname = Wkbname & CNumber
End If
If RelNum <> "Rel" Then
Wkbname = Wkbname & "_" & RelNum
End If
If CrtNum <> "Crt" Then
Wkbname = Wkbname & "_" & CrtNum
End If
If Percentage <> "0Pct" Then
Wkbname = Wkbname & "_" & Percentage
End If
SSFolderName = CreateSSFolders
FileLocation = SSFolderName & "\" & Wkbname & ".xlsb"
Dim newXL As Excel.Application
'Set newXL = GetObject(FileLocation).Application
If IsFileOpen(FileLocation) = True Then
Set newXL = GetObject(FileLocation).Application
newXL.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
newXL.DisplayAlerts = False
newXL.Application.Workbooks(Wkbname & ".xlsb").Close SaveChanges:=False
' newXL.Application.Quit
' Set newXL = Nothing
Set newXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
newXL.Visible = True
End If
If FileFolderExists(FileLocation) Then
' newXL.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' newXL.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
' On Error Resume Next
' newXL.Workbooks(Wkbname & ".xlsb").Close SaveChanges:=False
' On Error GoTo 0
Workbooks.Open FileLocation, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=False
Set MoveToWkb = Workbooks(Wkbname & ".xlsb")
Workbooks.Open (InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\SpoolSheetWorkbookTemplate.xlsb")
Set MoveToWkb = Workbooks("SpoolSheetWorkbookTemplate.xlsb")
'if SSFolder doesn't already exist, the EditSpoolSheet module is imported to the new spoolsheet
'it is also exported to update any changes made
If FileFolderExists(InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas") Then 'change path for home
MoveFromWkb.VBProject.VBComponents("EditSpoolSheet").export InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas" 'change path for home
MoveToWkb.VBProject.VBComponents.Import InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas" 'change path for home
MoveFromSht.Shapes("EditSpoolSheetButton").Visible = msoFalse
MoveFromSht.Shapes("UpdatePageNumberButton").Visible = msoFalse
MoveFromSht.Shapes("CancelEditButton").Visible = msoFalse
MoveFromSht.Shapes("DeletePanelButton").Visible = msoFalse
End If
End If
For Each CellName In MoveToWkb.Names
If Right(CellName.name, 10) <> "Print_Area" Then
End If
Dim NewPgNum As String
Dim OldPgNum As String
Dim startRead As Integer
Dim continueRun As Boolean
continueRun = False
NewPgNum = InputPage.Range("PgNum")
For Each Sht In MoveToWkb.Worksheets
startRead = InStr(Sht.name, "(Pg")
If Mid(Sht.name, startRead + 3) = (Right(MoveFromSht.name, Len(NewPgNum) + 1)) And DoubleSheet = False Then
DoubleSheet = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
SSCopyYesNo = MsgBox("Do you want to overwrite " & Sht.name & "?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If SSCopyYesNo = vbYes Then
Dim spoolPosition As Integer
spoolPosition = Sht.Index
Sht.name = "_"
'attaching a macro to the edit spool sheet button
If FileFolderExists(InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas") Then 'change path for home
MoveFromSht.Shapes("EditSpoolSheetButton").OnAction = "EditSpoolSheetClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("UpdatePageNumberButton").OnAction = "UpdatePageNumberClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("CancelEditButton").OnAction = "CancelEditButtonClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("DeletePanelButton").OnAction = "DeletePanelButtonClicked"
End If
MoveFromSht.Range("Page_Number") = MoveFromSht.Range("AK21")
MoveFromSht.Copy After:=MoveToWkb.Sheets(spoolPosition)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
continueRun = True
End If
ElseIf DoubleSheet <> True Then
DoubleSheet = False
End If
SheetCounter = SheetCounter + 1
If DoubleSheet = False Then
Set PasteSheet = Workbooks(MoveToWkb.name).Worksheets.Add
' MoveFromSht.Copy before:=MoveToWkb.Sheets(1)
'attaching a macro to the edit spool sheet button
If FileFolderExists(InputPage.MainFolderLocation.Text & "calc_and_trans\ExportModules\EditSpoolSheet.bas") Then 'change path for home
MoveFromSht.Shapes("EditSpoolSheetButton").OnAction = "EditSpoolSheetClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("UpdatePageNumberButton").OnAction = "UpdatePageNumberClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("CancelEditButton").OnAction = "CancelEditButtonClicked"
MoveFromSht.Shapes("DeletePanelButton").OnAction = "DeletePanelButtonClicked"
End If
MoveFromSht.Range("Page_Number") = MoveFromSht.Range("AK21")
MoveFromSht.Copy After:=MoveToWkb.Sheets(SheetCounter)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
continueRun = True
End If
If continueRun Then
For Each Sht In MoveToWkb.Worksheets
If Mid(Sht.name, 1, 5) = "Sheet" Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
Set MoveToSht = MoveToWkb.Sheets(MoveFromSht.name)
Dim moveToShtName As String
moveToShtName = MoveToSht.name
'fix in here
For Each CellName In MoveToWkb.Names
If Right(CellName.name, 10) <> "Print_Area" Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
Application.PrintCommunication = False
MoveToSht.DisplayPageBreaks = False
'For Each Sht In MoveToWkb.Worksheets
With MoveToSht.PageSetup
.PrintArea = "$A$1:$Z$36"
.Orientation = xlLandscape
.PaperSize = xlPaperLetter
.BlackAndWhite = True
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = 1
.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(1.6)
.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
.CenterHorizontally = True
.CenterVertically = True
End With
Application.PrintCommunication = True
'%%%%%%%%new crate code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
'******************* Update Crate Sheet Info **************************************'
Dim crateSht As Worksheet
Dim frontSht As Worksheet
Set crateSht = MoveToWkb.Sheets("Crate_List")
Set frontSht = MoveToWkb.Sheets("FrontSheet")
Dim writeRow As Integer
Dim continueToEnd As Boolean
Dim roomColumn As Integer, pageColumn As Integer, sizeColumn As Integer, widthColumn As Integer, typeColumn As Integer, tagColumn As Integer
Dim infoTableCol As Integer
Dim colStep As Integer
For colStep = 1 To 15
Select Case crateSht.Cells(1, colStep).Text
Case "ROOM #"
roomColumn = colStep
Case "PAGE #"
pageColumn = colStep
sizeColumn = colStep
widthColumn = colStep
Case "SQFT"
infoTableCol = colStep
typeColumn = colStep
tagColumn = colStep
End Select
'if first spoolsheet being added, set constant values (job name, job number etc.)
If MoveToWkb.Sheets.count = 3 Then
frontSht.Cells(5, 6) = MoveToSht.Range("AK2")
frontSht.Cells(6, 6) = MoveToSht.Range("AK3")
Dim EventsState As Boolean
EventsState = Application.EnableEvents
Application.EnableEvents = False
frontSht.Cells(6, 12) = MoveToSht.Range("AK7")
Application.EnableEvents = EventsState
End If
'determines where to write panel data: if row is blank, if Page # being written and read are both "" and panel tag/room # match, and if page numbers are not "" and match
For writeRow = 2 To 500
If Len(crateSht.Range("A" & writeRow).value) = 0 Or (InputPage.Range("PgNum") = "" And crateSht.Cells(writeRow, pageColumn).value = "" And crateSht.Range("A" & writeRow).value = InputPage.Range("RoomNum").value And _
crateSht.Cells(writeRow, tagColumn).value = InputPage.Range("PanelTag").value) Or (InputPage.Range("PgNum").value <> "" And _
InputPage.Range("PgNum").value = crateSht.Cells(writeRow, pageColumn).value) Then
'If continueToEnd Then
Exit For
End If
Dim panelCrateData(24) As Variant
Dim panelTableData As Variant
panelTableData = MoveToSht.Range("AK1:AK39")
'writing spoolsheet information to crate sheet
With MoveToSht
If roomColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, roomColumn) = panelTableData(22, 1) '.Range("AK22")
If pageColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, pageColumn) = panelTableData(21, 1) '.Range("AK21")
If sizeColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, sizeColumn) = panelTableData(13, 1) '.Range("AK13")
If widthColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, widthColumn) = panelTableData(12, 1) ' .Range("AK12")
If tagColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, tagColumn) = panelTableData(24, 1)
If typeColumn <> 0 Then crateSht.Cells(writeRow, typeColumn) = panelTableData(23, 1)
panelCrateData(0) = Round(CDbl(Replace(.Range("X35").Text, "SQFT", "")), 2)
panelCrateData(1) = panelTableData(15, 1) '.Range("AK15")
panelCrateData(2) = panelTableData(14, 1) '.Range("AK14")
panelCrateData(3) = panelTableData(17, 1) '.Range("AK17")
panelCrateData(4) = panelTableData(16, 1) '.Range("AK16")
panelCrateData(5) = panelTableData(18, 1) '.Range("AK18")
panelCrateData(6) = panelTableData(20, 1) '.Range("AK20")
panelCrateData(7) = panelTableData(19, 1) '.Range("AK19")
panelCrateData(8) = panelTableData(25, 1) '.Range("AK23")
panelCrateData(9) = panelTableData(26, 1) '.Range("AK24")
panelCrateData(10) = panelTableData(27, 1) '.Range("AK25")
panelCrateData(11) = panelTableData(29, 1) '.Range("AK27")
panelCrateData(12) = panelTableData(30, 1) '.Range("AK28")
panelCrateData(13) = panelTableData(31, 1) '.Range("AK29")
panelCrateData(14) = panelTableData(28, 1) '.Range("AK26")
panelCrateData(15) = panelTableData(34, 1) '.Range("AK32")
panelCrateData(16) = panelTableData(33, 1) '.Range("AK31")
panelCrateData(17) = panelTableData(35, 1) '.Range("AK33")
panelCrateData(18) = panelTableData(36, 1) '.Range("AK34")
panelCrateData(19) = panelTableData(37, 1) '.Range("AK35")
panelCrateData(20) = panelTableData(38, 1) '.Range("AK36")
panelCrateData(21) = panelTableData(39, 1) '.Range("AK37")
panelCrateData(22) = .Range("AU19")
'Holdback Info
panelCrateData(23) = .Range("AU12")
panelCrateData(24) = .Range("AU14")
'Additional Saddles
crateSht.Range(crateSht.Cells(writeRow, infoTableCol), crateSht.Cells(writeRow, infoTableCol + 24)) = panelCrateData ' "M" & writeRow & ":AK" & writeRow) = panelCrateData
End With
For writeRow = 2 To 500
If Len(crateSht.Range("A" & writeRow).value) = 0 Then ' Or crateSht.Range("A" & writeRow).value = InputPage.Range("RoomNum").value Then
'If continueToEnd Then
Exit For
End If
Dim lastRow As Integer
lastRow = writeRow - 1
Dim totSqft As Double
totSqft = WorksheetFunction.Sum(crateSht.Range(crateSht.Cells(2, infoTableCol), crateSht.Cells(lastRow, infoTableCol))) '(crateSht 2:M" & lastRow))
Application.PrintCommunication = False
With crateSht
.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$H$" & CStr(lastRow)
.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1"
If lastRow = 2 Then .PageSetup.CenterHeader = "#" & MoveToSht.Range("AK3").value
.PageSetup.RightFooter = CStr(lastRow - 1) & " PANELS" & vbLf & "TOUCH UP KIT" & vbLf & "INTERCONNECTORS" _
& vbLf & "GLOVES" & vbLf & "T-BAR CLIPS" & vbLf & "INSULATION ON PANEL"
.PageSetup.RightHeader = CStr(totSqft) & " SQFT"
End With
Application.PrintCommunication = True
With frontSht
.Cells(11, 2) = lastRow - 1
.Cells(30, 2) = totSqft
End With
MoveToWkb.SaveAs filename:=FileLocation, FileFormat:=50
MoveToWkb.Close False
Set MoveToWkb = Nothing
'Add new entry to recent panels table, unless room number already exists then replace that entry with the current info=
Call AddRecentPanelData
newXL.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
newXL.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
newXL.Application.AskToUpdateLinks = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Set MoveFromWkb = Nothing
Set MoveFromSht = Nothing
Set MoveToSht = Nothing
newXL.Workbooks.Open FileLocation ', UpdateLinks:=False ', ReadOnly:=False
Set newXL = Nothing
MoveToWkb.Close SaveChanges:=False
Set MoveToWkb = Nothing
newXL.Workbooks.Open FileLocation, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Set newXL = Nothing
Set MoveFromWkb = Nothing
Set MoveFromSht = Nothing
Set MoveToSht = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub
Dim Msg As String
If Err.number <> 0 Or Err.number <> 20 Then
Msg = "Error # " & Str(Err.number) & " was generated by " _
& Err.Source & Chr(13) & "Error Line: " & Erl & Chr(13) & Err.Description
MsgBox Msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
End If
Call ReactiveUpdating
End Sub
因此,工作簿A使用此子工作创建工作簿B /实例B并将工作表保存到其中。问题是,当工作簿A尝试添加第20个工作表(有时是第24或第23个但在此区域中一致)时,在此行上打开实例B中的工作簿B时出错(从底部向上滚动一对)导致代码打破:
newXL.Workbooks.Open FileLocation, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=False
Method 'Open' of object 'Workbooks' failed
答案 0 :(得分:1)