我正在使用ng-text-truncate.js库来添加'addmore'文本截断。 libray工作正常但是当我在ng-repeat项目上使用它时,ng-click会同时影响所有实例,即如果我单击一个项目打开它,则所有其他项目同时打开。
.directive( "ngTextTruncate", [ "$compile", "ValidationServices", "CharBasedTruncation", "WordBasedTruncation",
function( $compile, ValidationServices, CharBasedTruncation, WordBasedTruncation ) {
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: {
text: "=ngTextTruncate",
charsThreshould: "@ngTtCharsThreshold",
wordsThreshould: "@ngTtWordsThreshold",
customMoreLabel: "@ngTtMoreLabel",
customLessLabel: "@ngTtLessLabel"
controller: function( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {
$scope.toggleShow = function() {
$scope.open = !$scope.open;
$scope.useToggling = $attrs.ngTtNoToggling === undefined;
link: function( $scope, $element, $attrs ) {
$scope.open = false;
ValidationServices.failIfWrongThreshouldConfig( $scope.charsThreshould, $scope.wordsThreshould );
var CHARS_THRESHOLD = parseInt( $scope.charsThreshould );
var WORDS_THRESHOLD = parseInt( $scope.wordsThreshould );
$scope.$watch( "text", function() {
if( $scope.text && CharBasedTruncation.truncationApplies( $scope, CHARS_THRESHOLD ) ) {
CharBasedTruncation.applyTruncation( CHARS_THRESHOLD, $scope, $element );
} else {
$element.append( $scope.text );
} else {
if( $scope.text && WordBasedTruncation.truncationApplies( $scope, WORDS_THRESHOLD ) ) {
WordBasedTruncation.applyTruncation( WORDS_THRESHOLD, $scope, $element );
} else {
$element.append( $scope.text );
} );
}] )
.factory( "ValidationServices", function() {
return {
failIfWrongThreshouldConfig: function( firstThreshould, secondThreshould ) {
if( (! firstThreshould && ! secondThreshould) || (firstThreshould && secondThreshould) ) {
throw "You must specify one, and only one, type of threshould (chars or words)";
.factory( "CharBasedTruncation", [ "$compile", function( $compile ) {
return {
truncationApplies: function( $scope, threshould ) {
return $scope.text.length > threshould;
applyTruncation: function( threshould, $scope, $element ) {
if( $scope.useToggling ) {
var el = angular.element( "<span>" +
$scope.text.substr( 0, threshould ) +
"<span ng-show='!open'>...</span>" +
"<span class='btn-link ngTruncateToggleText' " +
"ng-click='toggleShow()'" +
"ng-show='!open'>" +
" " + ($scope.customMoreLabel ? $scope.customMoreLabel : "More") +
"</span>" +
"<span ng-show='open'>" +
$scope.text.substring( threshould ) +
"<span class='btn-link ngTruncateToggleText'" +
"ng-click='toggleShow()'>" +
" " + ($scope.customLessLabel ? $scope.customLessLabel : "Less") +
"</span>" +
"</span>" +
"</span>" );
$compile( el )( $scope );
$element.append( el );
} else {
$element.append( $scope.text.substr( 0, threshould ) + "..." );
.factory( "WordBasedTruncation", [ "$compile", function( $compile ) {
return {
truncationApplies: function( $scope, threshould ) {
return $scope.text.split( " " ).length > threshould;
applyTruncation: function( threshould, $scope, $element ) {
var splitText = $scope.text.split( " " );
if( $scope.useToggling ) {
var el = angular.element( "<span>" +
splitText.slice( 0, threshould ).join( " " ) + " " +
"<span ng-show='!open'>...</span>" +
"<span class='btn-link ngTruncateToggleText' " +
"ng-click='toggleShow()'" +
"ng-show='!open'>" +
" " + ($scope.customMoreLabel ? $scope.customMoreLabel : "More") +
"</span>" +
"<span ng-show='open'>" +
splitText.slice( threshould, splitText.length ).join( " " ) +
"<span class='btn-link ngTruncateToggleText'" +
"ng-click='toggleShow()'>" +
" " + ($scope.customLessLabel ? $scope.customLessLabel : "Less") +
"</span>" +
"</span>" +
"</span>" );
$compile( el )( $scope );
$element.append( el );
} else {
$element.append( splitText.slice( 0, threshould ).join( " " ) + "..." );