str = "hello how are you?"
substr = "how are"
string.indexOf("how are")
答案 0 :(得分:10)
str = "hello how are you?"
substr = "how are"
str.include? substr
答案 1 :(得分:5)
require 'benchmark'
LOREM = %q{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et convallis purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras interdum nibh et nunc pellentesque vestibulum. Donec elementum felis malesuada urna vehicula consectetur commodo urna accumsan. Phasellus bibendum euismod tincidunt. Sed pellentesque cursus faucibus. Etiam bibendum tincidunt nibh eget ultrices. Fusce imperdiet, felis id consequat imperdiet, justo est ultrices elit, sed vestibulum dui nibh vel felis. Sed feugiat, libero quis consequat semper, magna tellus facilisis enim, rutrum adipiscing eros mauris commodo metus. Sed lobortis aliquet augue ac sodales. Quisque pharetra odio vel augue tempus porttitor.}
REGEX1 = %r{/porttitor\.$/}
REGEX2 = %r{/porttitor\./}
REGEX3 = %r{/porttitor\.\Z/}
n = 750_000
puts "word in string"
Benchmark.bm(15) do |x|
x.report('string[""]:') { n.times { LOREM['porttitor.'] } }
x.report('string[//]:') { n.times { LOREM[/porttitor\./] } } # unanchored regex
x.report('string[/$/]:') { n.times { LOREM[/porttitor\.$/] } } # anchored regex
x.report('string[/\Z/]:') { n.times { LOREM[/porttitor\.\Z/] } } # anchored regex
x.report('index():') { n.times { LOREM.index('porttitor.') } }
x.report('include?():') { n.times { LOREM.include?('porttitor.') } }
x.report('match($):') { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttitor\.$/) } }
x.report('match(\Z):') { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttitor\.\Z/) } }
x.report('match():') { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttitor\./) } }
x.report('match2($):') { n.times { LOREM.match(REGEX1) } } # compiled regex w/ anchor
x.report('match2():') { n.times { LOREM.match(REGEX2) } } # compiled report w/out anchor
x.report('match2(\Z):') { n.times { LOREM.match(REGEX3) } } # compiled regex w/ anchor
puts "word not in string"
Benchmark.bm(15) do |x|
x.report('string[""]:') { n.times { LOREM['porttit0r.'] } }
x.report('string[//]:') { n.times { LOREM[/porttit0r\./] } } # unanchored regex
x.report('string[/$/]:') { n.times { LOREM[/porttit0r\.$/] } } # anchored regex
x.report('string[/\Z/]:') { n.times { LOREM[/porttit0r\.\Z/] } } # anchored regex
x.report('index():') { n.times { LOREM.index('porttit0r.') } }
x.report('include?():') { n.times { LOREM.include?('porttit0r.') } }
x.report('match($):') { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttit0r\.$/) } }
x.report('match(\Z):') { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttit0r\.\Z/) } }
x.report('match():') { n.times { LOREM.match(/porttit0r\./) } }
word in string user system total real string[""]: 0.670000 0.000000 0.670000 ( 0.675319) string[//]: 0.700000 0.000000 0.700000 ( 0.706148) string[/$/]: 0.720000 0.000000 0.720000 ( 0.716853) string[/\Z/]: 0.530000 0.000000 0.530000 ( 0.527568) index(): 0.630000 0.000000 0.630000 ( 0.638562) include?(): 0.610000 0.000000 0.610000 ( 0.603223) match($): 1.690000 0.000000 1.690000 ( 1.696045) match(\Z): 1.520000 0.010000 1.530000 ( 1.532107) match(): 1.700000 0.000000 1.700000 ( 1.698748) match2($): 0.840000 0.000000 0.840000 ( 0.847590) match2(): 0.840000 0.000000 0.840000 ( 0.840969) match2(\Z): 0.840000 0.000000 0.840000 ( 0.835557) word not in string user system total real string[""]: 0.570000 0.000000 0.570000 ( 0.578120) string[//]: 0.740000 0.000000 0.740000 ( 0.734751) string[/$/]: 0.730000 0.000000 0.730000 ( 0.735599) string[/\Z/]: 0.560000 0.000000 0.560000 ( 0.563673) index(): 0.620000 0.000000 0.620000 ( 0.619451) include?(): 0.570000 0.000000 0.570000 ( 0.574413) match($): 0.910000 0.010000 0.920000 ( 0.910059) match(\Z): 0.730000 0.000000 0.730000 ( 0.726533) match(): 0.950000 0.000000 0.950000 ( 0.960865)
作为参考,这里有一些使用Ruby 1.8.7的数字,这是Snow Leopard的默认值:
word in string user system total real string[""]: 1.130000 0.000000 1.130000 ( 1.130687) string[//]: 1.170000 0.000000 1.170000 ( 1.165692) string[/$/]: 1.180000 0.000000 1.180000 ( 1.184954) string[/\Z/]: 1.180000 0.000000 1.180000 ( 1.179168) index(): 1.070000 0.000000 1.070000 ( 1.077791) include?(): 1.060000 0.000000 1.060000 ( 1.056430) match($): 1.470000 0.010000 1.480000 ( 1.472797) match(\Z): 1.480000 0.000000 1.480000 ( 1.490172) match(): 1.480000 0.000000 1.480000 ( 1.478146) match2($): 0.650000 0.000000 0.650000 ( 0.653029) match2(): 0.570000 0.000000 0.570000 ( 0.574384) match2(\Z): 0.640000 0.000000 0.640000 ( 0.646688) word not in string user system total real string[""]: 1.040000 0.000000 1.040000 ( 1.038885) string[//]: 0.510000 0.000000 0.510000 ( 0.507031) string[/$/]: 0.510000 0.000000 0.510000 ( 0.508425) string[/\Z/]: 0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 ( 0.507316) index(): 1.060000 0.000000 1.060000 ( 1.055157) include?(): 1.030000 0.000000 1.030000 ( 1.037060) match($): 0.630000 0.000000 0.630000 ( 0.623627) match(\Z): 0.620000 0.000000 0.620000 ( 0.624737) match(): 0.620000 0.000000 0.620000 ( 0.623049)
require 'fruity'
LOREM = %{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et convallis purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras interdum nibh et nunc pellentesque vestibulum. Donec elementum felis malesuada urna vehicula consectetur commodo urna accumsan. Phasellus bibendum euismod tincidunt. Sed pellentesque cursus faucibus. Etiam bibendum tincidunt nibh eget ultrices. Fusce imperdiet, felis id consequat imperdiet, justo est ultrices elit, sed vestibulum dui nibh vel felis. Sed feugiat, libero quis consequat semper, magna tellus facilisis enim, rutrum adipiscing eros mauris commodo metus. Sed lobortis aliquet augue ac sodales. Quisque pharetra odio vel augue tempus porttitor.}
compare do
str_slice_regex { LOREM[/porttitor\./] } # unanchored regex
str_slice_dollar { LOREM[/porttitor\.$/] } # anchored regex
str_slice_ctrlZ { LOREM[/porttitor\.\Z/] } # anchored regex
str_slice_ctrlz { LOREM[/porttitor\.\z/] } # anchored regex
# >> Running each test 8192 times. Test will take about 1 second.
# >> str_slice_ctrlz is similar to str_slice_ctrlZ
# >> str_slice_ctrlZ is faster than str_slice_regex by 2x ± 0.1
# >> str_slice_regex is similar to str_slice_dollar
答案 2 :(得分:4)
答案 3 :(得分:2)
答案 4 :(得分:0)
答案 5 :(得分:0)
答案 6 :(得分:-1)